
Deadman Wonderland Wallpaper: 5580

Deadman Wonderland, Ganta Igarashi Wallpaper
Deadman Wonderland Series Ganta Igarashi Character

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Well, this is Igarashi Ganta, as some of you guys know. I did this wallpaper because i've seen that we don't have a lot of wallpapers from Deadman Wonderland, and, let's face the truth, it's FREAKING AWESOME. I've just put some quotes of Igarashi Ganta on this wall that i think it fits pretty well with the story as itself. Hope that you like it guys, i've just played with some blending layers and brushes. =))

Here's the scan:
DMWL ~ Prisoner 5580

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  1. mbeckley Jul 21, 2011

    I remember that deep quote and liked it. You did well displaying Ganta in an unique way in the wallie. Thx for sharing. :)

  2. SolemnSerpent Jul 21, 2011

    I'm not going to lie, I'm a sucker for blood splatter + grunge; so this wallpaper is a win in my book.

  3. hamzairaqi Jul 21, 2011

    i love whats writen on the background

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