
Psychic Detective Yakumo Wallpaper: [ "i need to be strong" ]

Psychic Detective Yakumo, Yakumo Saitou Wallpaper

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

do i really have to write here to upload my freaking wall? whatever ..so yeah this took longer than expected an hour pretty much? i did this out of boredom theres no story behind this wallpaper there was no specific meaning in doing this , but i can do better i just have loads of trouble with big pictures i usually work with 800x600 or so ...sorry if its somehow in a bad quality i dont know what happened :/

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  1. Valuna Retired Moderator Jul 14, 2011

    Yes, you have to write a comment at the least. You also have to provide the source of the scan you used (I do think it's Tens vector, not sure). It would be nice if you can make it in a bigger resolution 1920x1200/1080 at the least. is n@ri your signature? Because if it is, it's better to also use your minitokyo username or something where you can be recognised from. It's also quite an eyesore, the way it was put in...It ruins everything so I suggest you re-do your signature in your wallpaper.

    As for the comment you have to put. You can make it very short or just long. It depends on how much you want to define your hard work in words to others.

    As for the rest, keep up the good work. New artists are always welcome on this site.

  2. FiiFO Jul 14, 2011

    You should credit tens for the vector you used - http://www.animepaper.net/art/191169/frosty-yakumo
    It is tens vector because the scarf is extended compared to the original scan - http://www.animepaper.net/art/183691/op-single

    Asking for a description by the waller is standard to understand what work you put into it.

  3. Bernouli Retired Moderator Jul 14, 2011

    Please put a signature in your wallpaper that actually matches your nickname, or this will be deleted. Remember to put proper credits as well. Thank you!

  4. Exalda Aug 19, 2011

    I really like this wallpaper, with the skull, really nice ^^ and yakumo!

  5. Japandoll Dec 14, 2011

    that's great , I love him... ^o^

  6. febolution Jan 27, 2013

    no te preocupes, a pesar de todo el wallpaper esta genial, me gustò mucho y gracias por compartirlo!

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