I think this would look a lot better without the textures. I realize you wanted to do a grungy wall but if you reduce some of them, it might look better; they seem too 'aggressive' at this point...
Artist Comment
I am just amazed with MERONHEDDO's vector style. When I saw this gorgeous vector of C.C., I just had to wall it. Like what I did with Lelouch's, I used stock in this wallie as well. C.C. is so beautiful.
I figured doing a grungy wallpaper for her too, giving it a somewhat antique effect, though not so much. I used brushes for the clouds, birds, and textures, and played around with the lighting and contrast to get what I wanted. By the way, the cape there is actually from the Lelouch Vector. I just cut it out and pasted it there with C.C.to add some flair.
The title Transient Witch was taken from Dissidia Final Fantasy. The name is the MANIKIN version of Ultimecia (FFVIII).
Wallpaper Design by: JcZala
C.C. Vector by: MERONHEDDO
Stock Photo By: stockII
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Alenas Retired Moderator Jul 13, 2011
amrishp Jul 13, 2011
Agree with @alenas. It is potentially a nice image, but it feels really overfiltered.
Gizel4 Jul 21, 2011
Well, you definitely got that 'antique' look you were going for. Awesome texture and brush work, the wallpaper looks slightly grunge yet it's not overloaded and heavy. I also like the background that you provided her with!
akatsukiHimeno Aug 04, 2011
Wow! This is amazing! I love the texture, though I think it's a bit too much, but C.C. looks very beautiful.
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