
07-Ghost Wallpaper: We are all particles in Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle

Yuki Amemiya, Yukino Ichihara, Studio DEEN, 07-Ghost, Burupya Wallpaper
Yuki Amemiya Mangaka Yukino Ichihara Mangaka Studio DEEN Studio 07-Ghost Series Burupya Character

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Mikage is a character that makes me feel that even if he is now small and alone in this vast sky, he still not will give up the day that he'll meet his best friend.

That's kind of the feeling that I wanted to convey in this wall.

Mikage scan from
07-Ghost Vol 7 Insert Page 1

Comments and criticisms are welcomed (:

Edit: I've uploaded a 2nd version with a slightly softer looking moon and the lower part of the sky is lighter as per trofikabinet's advice :D

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  1. Sakura-Dust Jun 23, 2011

    I really love this! The painting style is awesome, not too overly detailed but has enough shadows to look fantastic. I almost didn't notice the cute pinkness XD Indeed Mikage gives off a feeling of loneliness, but he's a damn strong fluffball.

  2. Yamionpu Jun 23, 2011

    I just realized I love you 0_______0
    you make so beautiful stuff omg
    thank you so much T____T
    your whole gallery amazes me so *____*!

  3. saint-vivant Jun 23, 2011

    definitely on my desktop now.. =)

  4. InfiniteSky Jun 23, 2011

    This is such an awesome wallpaper! I love it!
    I do wonder why you decided to entitle it with reference to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle though....

  5. rosu Jun 23, 2011

    Very lovely scene. You portray the loneliness very well :D but he will still meet his best friend... <3 so cute :3 great job!

  6. DarthTofu Jun 24, 2011

    Oh, what a wonderful wall! :D
    haha I was just talking about this principle with someone the other day. XD

  7. aqito Jun 24, 2011

    oh my.. this is beautiful! i like it! especially the colors

  8. trofikabinet Jun 24, 2011

    Awww, this is really cute and well made. The style of painting is simple and not too detailed which adds well to the whole atmosphere :D
    I'd suggest to make the moon glow a bit, looks too stiff without it. Also, the lower part of the sky could be more lighter blue/gray.
    Overall it's a great wallpaper, I'm sure I'm gonna use it sometime in the future as desktop :)

  9. Yina Jun 24, 2011

    New desktop yay! :D
    Love the clouds and the moon <3

  10. Pinkya Jun 24, 2011

    i love this!
    awesum dark wallie :33

  11. Mayuuki Jun 24, 2011

    So beautiful! *____*
    It's a really nice job, this sky is really well painted, and I almost don't realized this cute pink creature! xD
    Good job, keep it up! ~

  12. SolemnSerpent Jun 25, 2011

    Excellent wallpaper! The style used for painting is lovely and easy on the eyes, not overly detailed, yet it perfectly captures a lonely, yet hopeful atmosphere.

  13. lastwilight Jun 25, 2011

    This is such a pretty wall! It's so dreamy and peaceful.

  14. Adzumi Jun 25, 2011

    Great! veeeery beautiful!

  15. aozoraskies Jun 25, 2011

    Burupya! Sorry, couldn't resist saying that, oh that darling lonely fluffball that is Mikage under the thin crescent moon, amid the clouds. >_< I love how it's simple yet so spacious and oddly bittersweet. The setting is romantic but Mikage is so lonesome with only the huge, dripping moon for company.. Don't give up Mikage! Maybe there really will be 7 dragon balls and Teito will get a pyalingual. xD Imagine. This lil fellow might grow as large as his mama fyulong one day.. sigh.

    Love the abstract-like style, it looks like you either vectored the shapes, or used a solid, round brush on PS. :3 Which is it?

  16. Gizel4 Jun 29, 2011

    Impressive scenery indeed! I couldn't help but feel all dreamy inside when full-viewing this wallpaper. Love those fluffy clouds!

  17. Baraka-Senpai Jun 29, 2011

    very good! great wallpaper! thanks

  18. Magicalmoonangel Jul 03, 2011

    It's pretty awesome, it's simple but has good accent on the moon.
    I didn't notice the pink evee looking animal until I scrolled down. When I read ur commen and how u wanted to convey the lonliness message, it was pretty clever.
    Could you tell me more about Mikage? Sorry, I've been out for a while and I don't know the story very well...

  19. ai-yame Jul 04, 2011

    This wallpaper basks its beauty in its air of mystery; and I really love this! It's just so beautiful, really.

    Keep up the awesome work! :D

  20. ShanaFlare Jul 04, 2011

    This is too simple isn't it? Hell no! The vectoring and colours are nicely done! and also, the dark sky you choose actually brings out the atmosphere more so WELL DONE! :D

  21. BlueGazer Aug 15, 2011

    Nice moon
    Good Job,Thanks!

  22. elisadevelon Retired Moderator Apr 11, 2012

    Quite simple, yet very beautiful! It actually took me a while to notice that little fluffy pink creature there... XD (I have no idea what it is as I've never seen the series but looks very cute =^_^=) Great work! :)

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