
Psychic Detective Yakumo Wallpaper: i want your affection

Suzuka Oda, Psychic Detective Yakumo, Yakumo Saitou, Vector Art Wallpaper
Suzuka Oda Mangaka Psychic Detective Yakumo Series Yakumo Saitou Character Vector Art Source

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

I vector this scan.
I made an 2D vector, very simple, without shadows.
I wanted to make a background with snow, like the background of the scan.

Brushes by yana stock

I used 21 layers
and took me 7-8 hours to finish this wallpaper.

I hope that this wallpaper don't look too simple.
Wainting for your feedback!

edit: remade the wallpaper, thanks for all the advices.

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  1. duhqueenmoki May 30, 2011

    The "gray thing" doesn't look like a road bcause you put some snowflakes on it, giving it the impression that snow is falling and that it's the sky, haha.lso, the snow flakes on his hair and road are a little too many and too small and too blurry D: it's like raining millions of teeny-tiny snowflakes that almost appear to not be there!

    I like the feeling of the wall :) good job, I like it. Hope I don't sound harsh I really do like the wally xD Captures a moment well.

  2. aozoraskies May 30, 2011

    #1 I like your vector and the subject is lovely and really has this chilly feeling. Your vectoring is quite clean so far, and I have no big complaints about it. :)
    #2 The snowflakes are only showing on the road and his hair, which looks odd. Try adding a few over his face.
    #3 I thought the road was the sky. ^o^;
    #4 It needs shading, since he's lying down, there should be some soft shading, which will also help show where the snow ends and his shirt start ^_^; Remember that snow can tend to reflect light though, so the shading closest to the snow will be a bit lighter~ Do the same for their skin.


  3. Gaburi May 31, 2011

    Oh Me ha gustado esta imagen, como que inspira paz y tranquilidad.
    Is a good job ^^

  4. Gizel4 Jun 05, 2011

    I think you did a wonderful job in capturing the core essence of the character.

  5. hyurisan Jun 25, 2011

    he is look so serious... its handsome...

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