
Di Gi Charat: PKO 01

Koge Donbo, Di Gi Charat, Rik Heisenberg
Koge Donbo Mangaka Di Gi Charat Series Rik Heisenberg Character


Another scan by me from the Chocola 2001 artbook~

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  1. bkitten Aug 21, 2005

    Wow! It's that guy in... uh... The Black Gema Gema Gang! XD
    *Doesn't really know his name*
    Thankie shankies! :)

    p.s: Am I leaving too many comments? But..but.. the scans are great! ^_^'

  2. Cilsi Jul 15, 2009

    Yeah, their names are pretty hard to remember, and seldom mentioned in the series.
    But we need more of them, really... :D

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