
Cardcaptor Sakura Wallpaper: CCS - Nothing

CLAMP, Madhouse, Cardcaptor Sakura Wallpaper
CLAMP Mangaka Madhouse Studio Cardcaptor Sakura Series

1280x1024 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

itz been quite some time since i've last submited a wallpaper XD *argh* u can blame midterms for that!!! *stones the profs* XD hehe...well neways...now i just finished midterms I decided to wall this CCS scan found here in MT ^__^

Please ZOOM to full view to see all the little details I put into this one XD it took 4ever to do since i haven't picked up the airbrush for quite some time XD hope my walling haven't dulled out >__>

~ For more cool walls check out www.raveanime.com!!! ~
~ Happy Halloween!!! ~~~~(m-_-)m

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  1. Yumi-Chan Nov 01, 2004

    rawr... zz ish so good at walling... actually good at every wall he makes!! waaa.. i like da bg very muchie~~~!! ^___^
    ooo it's so glowy how'd u do that?!. >_____< the char really blends in this bg :D hehehe
    zz did a wonderful job! yumi will give a +fav ^_^

  2. Osiris Retired Moderator Nov 01, 2004

    your wall rapes mine left and right =__=

    loving that flare effect :3

    go pwn sammo >_>

  3. shinta Nov 01, 2004

    Yippeee!!! New wallie! Honto ni Kawaii desu ne p-chan! You should teach me how to make that big light ball thingie she has. *__*

  4. Cloudnine Nov 01, 2004

    naa~ nothing much to say other than it's simply beautiful ^^ Loving the theme and design, though the text could use a bit more detail to reflect the overall theme of magic XD

  5. candy-chan Retired Moderator Nov 01, 2004

    omfg its so purdy >_<
    i <3 ccs ;_; void card roxorz man this movie is great
    the wall is gorgeous, love the darksy athmosphere around the lake *_*

  6. MadMover Nov 01, 2004

    :o I just can't believe how beautiful this is. When I first saw it I was completely dumbfounded by it. Thank you very much for sharing it with us (bows humbly to a master) -_- :)

  7. KenshinFFX Nov 01, 2004

    Damn you gundam!!!!

    i hate how you can do this...

    Now I have to bow to one who is better than I..


  8. pinkdoremi Nov 01, 2004

    it's amazing 0___0
    everything fits so well, this is the best wallie i've seen with the hope card thing o.o!
    love the grass xD *puts wallie on desktop ^-^*

  9. dothack Nov 01, 2004

    Hey isn't that the void card...
    anyways it's such a great wall! The background is simply beautiful with the shooting stars and the moon... well to be more exact, everything in the background looks nice. I also like how you did the lighting and feathers as well as the orb of energy.

  10. Foolish-ishness Nov 01, 2004

    Awesome wall ZZ :D

    The sky and ground look so artsy <3 Nice job.

  11. Devilet Nov 01, 2004

    wow.. *speechless* the effects are amazing, and the background is great! definitely a fav, it's so perfect, excellent work!

  12. Kev Retired Moderator Nov 01, 2004


  13. winterlilac09 Nov 01, 2004

    Remarakable, what you've made... I love the background as well as the character. And the atmosphere is just simply magical! :stares at the wallie in bewilderment with glazed eyes O.O: Stunning, truly stunning... + fav and keep up the awesome work!!!

  14. Kozumura Nov 01, 2004

    o__o pretty... and just in awe..

    Beautiful wall, That's basically enough said. THis wall is going into my fav.. :O

  15. muffs Nov 01, 2004

    wow!! a very beautiful wall. Definitely fav wall!! I really love the cloud/nebula sky and the shooting stars.

  16. nat Nov 01, 2004

    Heh, the MT formula for good: angel wings, feathers, 3D, Planets, scenery and sky, all rolled into one very pleasing package. Of course, what makes all the difference is this one is actually well executed.

  17. tAtEkAnE Nov 01, 2004

    veryyyyyyy nice XD that rawks! oooooh purdy light @_@ *goes in a trance* that's awesome man! *shakes fist at zz* good thing the scan isn't one of the dual-anime scans..or this would be one of the entry! lol this would be hard to beat!

    awesome work!

  18. sword Nov 01, 2004

    splendid subtle blending of 2d and. 3d. your skies are surreal to perfection like always. love the small azn house in the backdrop and the dark planet.

  19. DayLightsDarkness Nov 01, 2004

    Thats a great wallpaper. I love all the graphics that you put in to it. It's a job well done. :)

  20. KorganoS Nov 01, 2004

    You must be some walling kami-sama, Zz XD
    hey, the pic reminds me of Ilvalthia's grouppage ^_^'
    All the details are perfect.... and the effects are jaw-dropping indeed.
    Lemme say *Holy mother.... O.O*
    how long did u make this one? A whole midterm? ack >_<

  21. bucket-shot Nov 01, 2004

    <lol> If this is dulled, sharp would kill us all for sure. XD Fantastic work! The only thing I'll say is that that second pair of wings you added don't quite seem placed right on her back-- should be lefter? Something like that. ^_^' Also, smooth-edged falling feathers instead of fluffy might look more coherent (right word =.=? cohesive? um..). Because the wings look really silky slick, heh. :) Whatever-- brilliant lighting and effects, of course. That atmosphere looks to die for.

  22. ProjectZero Nov 01, 2004

    a new wallpaper
    it should have been out weeks ago

    good work
    it's very nice

  23. Silvana Nov 01, 2004

    I think she can use a little more light around her on the ground where she's standing, so it feels like she's actually part of the wallpaper and not slapped on. (No offense) The lack of radiating light makes it look that way. Just don't go adding too much, like more light rays.

    Besides that, I like it a lot better than all the other wallpapers with a starry, cloudy, planetty (I just made up a word) backgrounds because it looks different. The style is different. I still don't like that fact that there are stars and clouds though. But, that's ok. The lower half looks so nice, I just have to forgive you for that.

    You cheated! You mirrored that image of the clouds in your background. But that's a good idea, because I barely noticed. Hey look, the stars are too. but the line where it's mirrored is unnoticable. A+ on background! Overall grade on wallpaper, A-.

  24. biriwilg Retired Moderator Nov 01, 2004

    Uwaaaaaa, I love it! O_O I really love it! The scan is lovely. ^^ The colors of it are superb, the shining lights, the grass, everything! Just what I expect from Zz-chan. ^_^ Awesome job!

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