
The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi Wallpaper: Haruhi-ism

Noizi Ito, Kyoto Animation, The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi, Haruhi Suzumiya Wallpaper

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

It has been AGES since my last submission, I missed minitokyo :')

Anyway, this is the first wallpaper I ever made in my entire life! (Talk about accomplishment :P) I actually have no intention of making a wallpaper until I saw a beautiful scan of Haruhi (the one I used in this wall). Seeing that got me inspired, plus I have been wanting to make a wall based on the opening and ending theme for some time now (among the best anime themes in terms of concept in my opinion).

Comments, suggestions and criticisms are welcome with arms wide open; those are an artist's vitamins, :D

Program used: Adobe Photoshop

Resoulution: 1920x1200 (16:10, 8:5)

Enjoy! ^_^

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  1. Dollydi May 31, 2011

    wow! It's so cute ! I love it !

  2. SunFighter Jun 17, 2011

    Nice and great job! Thanks so much

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