
Tearfish Wallpaper: Butter

Tearfish, Fuyu no Mori, Comic Market 79, Vector Art Wallpaper
Tearfish Mangaka Fuyu no Mori Artbook Comic Market 79 Source Vector Art Source

2560x1600 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Happy Birthday, Chrisp!
I know it's late, but this is my present for you *hugs

Original scan from Tearfish:
(C79) tearfish - Fuyu no Mori / Inumimi

As you can see, I changed a few things. The red from her eyes and I made her ears and tail fluffier XD
And the background was painted by me. Not so shabby for a first-timer,huh?

wings-lovers my-maiden celestial-luminesse colorfull-wallies vector-wallers depths-of-sound

And the song that kept me going?
"Happy birthday to you~ happy birthday to you~
Happy birthday dear Chrisp~
Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuu

Comments are reaaaally appreciated!

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  1. Rider May 13, 2011

    wow nice vectoring you did a great job in making this wallpaper XD
    the only missing is her nose ^_^

  2. NenrikiKaen May 13, 2011

    Woooops! I knew I forgot something =)))) I'm fixing it right now :))

  3. Kitaan Retired Moderator May 13, 2011

    Very beautiful, I love the color combination. And you did a very neat job
    vectoring. My only suggestion would be to smooth en the clouds a bit more.
    They look too rough and smudged, which they shouldn't. Also her position
    is a bit weird...maybe had she been placed higher or even to the right side it would've
    looked more even...but it's just me wondering...

  4. chrisp May 13, 2011

    Wohaaaaaaaaa O___________O
    Amazing vectoring, lovely scan used, so bright and all shiny q////q Thank you so much!
    I like the clouds for your first time it's awesome. I know how hard it is to paint them ><
    I really adore the hair and flowers in them +__+ so fluffy it hurst <33
    Again thank you very very much Q////Q Love you! *hugs and kisses*

  5. kunoichi-chan May 13, 2011

    loved it!
    Set as a WP ;)

  6. Pinkya May 13, 2011

    Kawaiii~~~ so soft and cheerful :3
    i rly love the colors~ gives an awesum feeling! :D
    keep it up d^^b

  7. Darktekya May 13, 2011

    This wallpaper is beautiful! Thanks.

  8. lzo88 May 13, 2011

    I like the style, Amazing, Thanks.

  9. AirJack May 13, 2011

    Wow, this is just so beautiful . Nice job!

  10. sailorchiron May 13, 2011

    I think the clouds look really good, especially for a first try! The vectoring is very neatly done with good shading and excellent smooooooothness. I love me some smooth vectors. Good work!

  11. Mayuuki May 14, 2011

    I falled in love for it at first look, and had to download it. After see the full-size, I was totally catched for it! *_*
    Really clean and beautiful vector, loved the colors and the details of it. She's more beautiful than the original scan, trust me. :3
    The bg looks awesome too, this sky is really well done, specially the clouds. And the butterfly, so cute! ?
    Good job, keep it up! ~

  12. kejeburkali May 14, 2011

    Oh la la.. this one is pretty cute thee thee..

  13. princessmeyrin023 May 14, 2011

    I really think that simplicity is the best~ I'm speechless!

    I just want to say Good work! :D I love it... especially the TAIL! Look at the tail!


  14. ShanaFlare May 14, 2011

    This is one of those walls where simplicity is a good thing :) I actually like the end result, well done^^

  15. HoshinoSora12 May 15, 2011

    Your wallpapers always always are amazing & beautiful!

  16. KiyanaIkebana May 23, 2011

    I love the vector, specially the hair! :3 Looks very clean. Great job!

  17. Ookamimage Apr 17, 2013

    Preatty cool wall, nice vector and artist work :D

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