I can still see the top of the head, the white band could have been slightly lighter to see it even further, but I think it gives it a movie screen sort of feel that's about to break because it's been watched too much. I really like this, there's just something about the grudge look that gives it that extra touch of power to the over all picture. nicely done.
Artist Comment
I just noticed that I didn't posted my last wallpapers there... Ahem.
I kinda like this one, even if, yeah, it's true, as SakuraDust-chan said, the white band of the texture kinda cuts Ichigo's head. So you're allowed to cut mine ;__;
Copy/paste from my
wallpaper's caption on TheO :
Hello everyone, my post of the month ! =D
Just kidding, I of course intend to post more than 1 wallpaper during may.
Widescreen is the best view (1920x1200)
Picture : ?
3 Textures from deviantArt : ?
Inception Soundtrack - One Simple Idea --> [??]
That OST is really addicting, as the movie... I was listening to it (again) and the will of making a wall popped up.
Hope you like it~~?
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angelxxuan Banned Member May 11, 2011
mbeckley May 11, 2011
Wow, looks like an album cover. I like it~
SolemnSerpent May 11, 2011
This is 20 kinds of awesome. I love how his head is washed over with white, and the grunge effects. Great work.
Faelnirv Jun 03, 2011
i really like the graphic elements. =)
539558 Jul 25, 2011
This is 20 kinds of awesome. I love how his head is washed over with white, and the grunge effects. Great work.
PrincessLaguia Aug 23, 2011
Oh my gosh! 8d This is amazing! I saw this, and I thought Ichigo was real for a moment! The lighting, and colors are really neat! Very, very well made! You should be uber proud of yourself! =D
Yuuki-Shirou Jun 13, 2012
ahh te quedo excelente! *0*!
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