
Queen's Blade (Nanael)

Queen's Blade, Nanael
Queen's Blade Series,OVA,Game Nanael Character


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  1. Ak1r0 May 02, 2011

    hah! Nanael in black! perfect! xD

  2. qazxswedcvfrtgbnhyujm May 12, 2011

    nice pic i really like it. thank you for sharing

  3. andersengk May 12, 2011

    que linda se ve nanael con ese traje oscuro

  4. npoe May 18, 2011

    I think that Nanael looks better in the anime than what she looks in the scans, also panty shots are more enjoyable in the anime.

  5. KazamiHayato Jun 21, 2011

    Nanael in Dark Angel version. Wow E-V-I-L....O_o

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