wow, such eleborate clothes...
I'm not sure, but it looks a bit blurry...
Scanned by me
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wow, such eleborate clothes...
I'm not sure, but it looks a bit blurry...
Very nice.
The only thing that isn't great is that it is a bit blurry.
Ooh nice pops to mind, but it needs a darker background on second consideration? How about you make a sweet looking wide screen wallpaper for us wide aspect users?
/me waves @ walkure!
wow. fancy costumes there. cool scan. too bad it's a little blurry.
Weeee~~ this scan is featured! XD Very awesome scan mari-sama! The characters look very different from the anime! XD Seems kinda weird to see haruhi in a dress XD
love the scan! Kaoru and Hikaru with Haruhi! kyaa <3
Oh... I love the clothes that they're wearing. X3
As I read the name of this in my notifs, (I read it very slowly... *dizzy* @_@ ) at first I thought ''samurai
x?'' then ''suzumiya haruhi no yutsuu?'' then ''magic knights
Before my head blowed up with this crazy cross-over, I realized it was Ouran Koko... ^_^' *faints*
The twins look lovely, but Haruhi is really... strange. Don't know how to explain, but~ >.<
I'd be great to read the manga. I wish I could buy... *sighs*
Thanks a lot for sharing! ;)
kinda blurry but it's okay! i luv this manga! ^^ thanks for sharing!
Pretty designs and drawings! I like. Although I do not know the series completely! Last I do not know many series and authors! Walkure-chan greetings!
XD i just love this anime!
the scan is really nice and they look elegant!
thanx for sharing it^^
+favs :pacman:
I like the outfit!
i like the manga art better than the anime art... eheh! >w<
gawd! the twins look cute! and haruhi is uh how should i say this.. more girly than ever!
hmm i love the characters and outfits, and definitely excellent colors! that background clashes really bad though. then again, its a scan so..:3 great work! :P
yea....i like the outfit.....really classy~.....tnx for sharing
love the colors
thanks for sharing
Awesome scan! I love their clothes <3
i love their clothes.. and i salute mangaka who draw ruffles...
Great picture thanks I like
Thank you very much for sharing! ^^
Ouran! host club I really like this series is very, very nice
thank you for the contribution
so cute:)
many thanks for sharing !?????
Gracias! por compartirla, est
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