I have no idea who the person in the wall is (sorry I don't follow idols)- but the wall itself is pretty so I don't really care too much.
Thanks for sharing!
I was in need of a new super junior wallpaper and did that yesterday
i'm making one for each member if you want a version with your bias just comment or send a PM
and since Kangin is one of my ultimate bias the wallpaper is from him
hope you'll like it.
I spent 1-2 hours in it used photoshop
I'm rather happy with the outcome
the sparkly thingy in the middle is supposed to be a butterfly but not exaclty a perfect one it symbolizes the dream and Kangin (the guy) is like fading or a shadow because he is the 'Where to' the 'reach you' of the dream trace so it's supposed to be faded like a shadow. my intention in putting him there was that.
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I have no idea who the person in the wall is (sorry I don't follow idols)- but the wall itself is pretty so I don't really care too much.
Thanks for sharing!
I like the concept and find the wall quite pretty, but I do have one question: Is the bright object in the middle supposed to be a butterfly? It's not very clear.
I also might recommend making the guy stand out a little more, since right now he just kinda fades like a shadow. Overall, good job!
SUJU <3 This wall is beautiful. Good Job and keep up the good work. [:
OHH! If I didn't read the your comment section I would have just stared at this wallpaper for 5 minutes xD (I was wondering what's with the multi-colored feather)
The concept is nice, but I think you should make Kangin stand-out a bit since if you did not mention it's Kangin I would have though the main character is the feather.
Anyways great job ;)
Please put your signature somewhere in the wallpaper, or I'll have to delete it. It is a gallery requirement. Thanks!
i love the pic the colors are great
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