Very nice job shading everything, I think her shadow could be darker
so it looks like she's sitting on it and not really getting up.
The lighting should be all around the top, not just in one spot if she's outside it
should be all over.
Other than that the vectoring is very smooth and neat, nice job.
Artist Comment
As of 2016:
I regretted those pasted-like flowers. I wish I could redo them >.<"
Hello all :)
I'm here to deliver this old wallpaper I started around 3 years ago. I had to stop walling due to real life issues. Therefore, this had been sitting in both my old (dead) comp and my newest one. I finally had time to finish it.
Three Years Ago:
- Hair
- Basic Body Coloring
- Basic Clothes Coloring
- Eyes - Ribbon - Bench
As of 2011:
- Added Hair Highlight - Shading Layers
- Added Patterns
- Flowers
- Background
- Lighting
Thanks in advance for comments and faves (=^.^=)
Scan by
I. M.
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Kitaan Retired Moderator Apr 10, 2011
Valuna Retired Moderator Apr 10, 2011
This wallpaper looks gorgeous! I love the colours in here, it really brings forth this season. I actually kind of dislike the various colours in her hair because it doesn't go with the style of the rest despite the fact that it's a nice addition. There are some jaggies and the most disturbing on is that part of her left arm.
The shadows of the Cherry Blossoms are way off. this makes it look as if it's paper-layered/pasted
ChaoticMirage Apr 10, 2011
her expression is amazing! well colored wallpaper, good job :D congratulations and thanks!
Kurorisa Apr 10, 2011
except for the jaggies and the shadows of the flowers, this wall is really wonderful
love how you shade them and the color of her hair as well
lovely job :D +fav -
angelxxuan Banned Member Apr 10, 2011
it's so adorable, I have to agree the lighting could be a tiny bit darker but I like how the petals drift about and the angle of the flowers, the bench and grass behind. other than what kitten mentioned the rest I really like, nice job :) although I have to admit I'm into the bright colors so to me I like it like that :)
barbi97 Apr 10, 2011
was very cute, thanks for sharing.
AirJack Apr 10, 2011
love the beautiful wallpaper
NenrikiKaen Apr 11, 2011
You have a lot of potential.I love her hair!I'm sure you'll make even better wallpapers in the future.Can't wait to see them!
angel26278 Apr 11, 2011
very lovely work! I love the colors and she looks very pretty and innocent!
Thanks you for sharing -
x-lawss Apr 11, 2011
This is nice, very well done!
Thanks for sharing! -
SnickerdoodleNinja Retired Moderator Apr 11, 2011
Cute! I would agree that her shadow could be darker, but overall I think you did a nice job on the shading.
Sherillas Apr 12, 2011
I'm so impressed with your work! You did an excellent job on the vector (the protagonist hair especially) and those flowers definitely contributes to the beauty and overall atmosphere surrounding her. Admirable work!
ndox900 Apr 13, 2011
very huge awesome work :O love the those soft color , mantab banget ! ^^
Tsukiyomi Apr 14, 2011
Awesome work ! Love the atmosphere that you've put in your work. Love it :)
distillme Apr 14, 2011
very pretty! :)
I've never watched Shuffle but this is really nice.
sailorchiron Apr 15, 2011
There are a couple areas of jaggedness as the others noted...however your shading is so lovely that it almost doesn't matter. I love how you shaded the flowers, it's my favorite kind of vector shading. I both like and don't like the multiple colors in her hair...I love that style but it's not quite right with the rest of the wall. Overall though, with the changes you made and the work you'd already done, this is stunning. Good work!
musicmaker Jun 09, 2011
I like, this illustration transmit a lot of "good energy". Very nice pic
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