a very beautiful and tranquil piece. I liked how it looks so peaceful and full of love and compassion. a beautiful spring day with flowers and love in the air. it's almost as if the clouds are floating in the air, it seems so life like.
2560x1600 Wallpaper
Artist Comment
That's my last wallpaper!
I first vectored the little temple (scaned by me from the 28th tome of the manga ) since the couple (
I create a peaceful garden in drawing some different flourishing vegetation (trees, bushes, lilies, ...)
I finally worked on the atmosphere in playing with color and lightning. i spent a long time to make this wall, and I for
once was not impatient!
I hope you'll like it!
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angelxxuan Banned Member Apr 09, 2011
sailorchiron Apr 10, 2011
Definitely one of your best, your shading matches for the entire wall which is great. You used a lot of colors but they harmonize well, and the water looks very nice. Sakura's face is a little odd...but it is in the scan, too. I think it's because no one can picture a grown up Sakura xD Anyway, nice work.
Alenas Retired Moderator Apr 10, 2011
I think this is your best wallpaper in terms of colors so far and the water looks nice with those ripples, too.
You still need to work on lighting though - with such strong sunlight, there have to be some highlights on the characters, the temple and those shrubs.
Also, I've noticed you started to recycle and use the same backgrounds again - I've seen that mountain in the background in a few previous walls of yours (the one with C.C. and Nunnally) those pink flowers I've seen in your Jigoku Shoujo wall and that temple has also been used many times by now, together with bushes and rocks. It's nice to use the same or similar background ideas here and there but reusing them too much will make all your walls look boring and same. Try experimenting with different techniques more - typography, abstract or minimalistic; not everything must always look scenic.
Ebelin Apr 10, 2011
OMG! Amazing background! I don
fireflywishes Retired Moderator Apr 10, 2011
Gorgeous setting Cilou~ (Seeing you name makes me think of Cee Lo Green XD) I absolutely love all of the flowers and the maples~
Though, I do think the rocks look slightly odd... They're very uniform in color. I expected to see a bit more color variation (similar to how you did the mountain). Additionally, a couple of the rocks look like they're floating on top of the water. I know you want to create the effect that the water is crystal clear, but with the rocks sitting there un-submerged it almost seems like they're sitting on ice instead.
ArtificialRaindrop Apr 11, 2011
It's one thing to revisit an image to make different wallpaper of it, and it's another thing entirely to start reusing pieces because you are running out of ideas, or don't want to take the time to think up new ones. >_<
Maybe I should start with the Pro of this wallpaper: The water. Apparently it's the one aspect in this wallpaper you decided to put some of your power in to, and it looks lovely for the most part. The movement is drawn quite nicely and the perspective was well laid in that regard.
...However, that's the only real simblance of depth that you gave the wallpaper. The reflection is merely a flipped version of the colored image, and if you really look at a natural reflection it shouldn't be that straight down from this proximity. The water isn't still, so the reflection shouldn't be so pristine. And once again, everything in your wallpaper looks flat, as is the inevitable result of relying on gradients for shading. And the places where you left lineart (namely around Sakura's face) are very, very jagged and pixely. There's no pop, no depth, nothing to actually draw your eye in or show that this was made by an experienced waller. It's the exact same song and dance again.
Also, the term vectoring around here typically implies that the quality of the image has been improved via the pen tool (not the stroke function) and that the image should be viewed at a high resolution without taking a dive in quality; if all that your are doing is retracing the image and coloring, that's not really what is considered "vectoring."
ShanaFlare Apr 11, 2011
This is just stunning^^ clean! clean! clean! :D
ngakyuklim Apr 11, 2011
OMFG I MISS TSUBASA SO MUCH! this wall bring back memories! the scenery is effing beautiful!
greenemerald Apr 11, 2011
this must be by far the most beautiful image of Tsubasa I have seen.
AirJack Apr 12, 2011
Great job on the background, Very detail.
Sherillas Apr 12, 2011
The combination is sheer genius and the quality is superb.
GamerchiX Apr 13, 2011
Please STOP pillow shading, your lighting is never going to look right if you keep doing that crap. ~_~;
Sorry for saying it so bluntly but it seems like you could have something so perfect and then you ruin it by not doing the shading by hand and instead using blend modes. Check out a few manga coloring tutorials to get a better idea. -
fatetastarossa Apr 14, 2011
so beautiful T^T
Tsubasa saigo !
20srn May 01, 2011
Perfect !
Thaks a lot :) -
may1590 May 03, 2011
Tsuba cronicle! one of my favorites! Such a lovely and romantic wallpaper.
Globosa May 04, 2011
I love it :D...it's sooooo beautiful ^_^
chmsweety May 18, 2011
ever since I've read the manga for this chapter i always wondered if any one would make a wallpaper out of these two scenes. thank you! i am glad that i was patient of a good while. i wished they finish the anime!
infinitecity Jun 28, 2011
the background is awesome!
Sakura-Rabbit07 Oct 07, 2011
Its so nice to see a lovely wall with the adult versions of Sakura and Syaoran^^
xXx -
lisajje Jun 10, 2013
this is the best scene, i'm still crying because the manga was beautiful.
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