
Guilty Gear Wallpaper: Fallen Angel

Guilty Gear, Dizzy Wallpaper
Guilty Gear Game Dizzy Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Ok, second attempt to make a wallpaper >_<. Since I saw that pic of Dizzy I wanted to make a wall of it. Her pic is pretty damn good....kinda strange really, because it's really tough to find Good Dizzy pics over the net.
I tried a lot of filters and brushes and messed a lot with the background and the grass..
Credits and Thanks to "DZU" for the amazing scan of my beloved Dizzy ^^
Hope you people like it, and as I always say: Sorry for my crappy English :P

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  1. belmikry Retired Moderator Oct 29, 2004

    ohhh!! i love it!! ^_^ *fav* it's so beautiful!!! ^_^ XD .... the colours in the BG go so well!!! good work!!! XD

  2. TakamuraReiji Oct 29, 2004

    Wow! So cool! Cool wallie! Really like it. Er, what's that, on her hand? Anyway, great work. :)

  3. McGraw Oct 29, 2004

    That grass and forest must have taken ages to draw. I cant believe that the trees look so realizstic. How long did it take to make?

  4. Piroki Oct 31, 2004

    Very nice, background is excellent.

    I agree with you, good pics of Dizzy are far and few. Shame too.

  5. eddy05 Oct 31, 2004

    ooh that turned out very nice. i liked the original dizzy pic a lot. that pic has a lot of inspiration to it. dizzy is blended into the grass neatly. however, i feel that the feel is not strong enough... maybe a storm or some natural disaster might fit in better. the background looks more "peaceful" to me. i think i'm a little too critical with my opinions but just treat it as a constructive comment ya? ;)

  6. DaedalusIkari Nov 03, 2004

    Wow. Real awesome job D4u! ^_^ (It's DI from GFF) I especially love the real dark foresty bg. Very fitting of that picture of Dizz, and Dizz in general.
    Kudos! ^_^ +fav

  7. TriTri Nov 03, 2004

    There isn't really anything on her hands, it's just her wings wrapping on her arms. ^^ Very nice wallpaper you made, Dizzy-4u.

  8. chongthe Nov 04, 2004

    great pic

  9. Vua Nov 18, 2004

    wow, thats a good wall. if i added walls to my faves, this would be one

  10. The-Stuff Nov 24, 2004

    finnally! i found an awsome dizzy paper that dosn't have her showing off her privates or some other non pg-13 areas .. anyhow .. love the effects of the wings!! we;; done

  11. amyamy Nov 27, 2004

    WOW thats coooooool XD
    yes, i agree with ya...... finally a picture of Dizzy that is more proper, like a character from a fighting game.... not the sexual interests of nosebleeding ppl XD

  12. MariArte Dec 02, 2004

    :D Se ve genial esa imagen, algo oscura, pero super para mis gustos...haha..
    Me enkantan las alas de Dizzy.. :)
    Algun latino por aki? O_o

  13. IrvineTomoe Dec 05, 2004

    Oooh . . . dark and dramatic . . . very distinct from most of the other Dizzy things here. Well done!

  14. Gunfl4me Dec 26, 2004

    Amazing Dizzy wallpaper, the pic is pretty damn good as you said but the background looks very well too, and the wings are really cool

  15. dstrife123 Banned Member Dec 27, 2004

    oh yeah I love these pics very nice :D nice designs and backgrounds

  16. AsuraMaelstrom Mar 21, 2005

    It's so beautiful.. O_O the colours are perfect!

  17. ShivaBlueDragoon Apr 26, 2005

    it is very hard to find good dizzy pics, everyone draws her with big boobs and looking like a moron. You did good though

  18. Chobiits May 08, 2005

    Nice wallpaper of Dizzy.
    Background is well done, with a bit of rainy effect.
    Dizzy is very cool here. ^^
    Thanks for sharing.

  19. godlyandii Jun 03, 2005

    Oh jesus!! That's beautiful!! I worship your skills and patience, really. It's a wonderful picture of Dizzy, too. Must have been hard to find.

  20. KaiJule Jun 08, 2005

    Dizzy-4u... AH! No way! Man, did you post on AnimeUnderground? or you know someone who calls himself Fantom? aaaah no way no way! XD

    anyway, your wallpaper is cool!

  21. FacGame Jun 13, 2005

    Quote by KaiJuleDizzy-4u... AH! No way! Man, did you post on AnimeUnderground? or you know someone who calls himself Fantom? aaaah no way no way! XD
    anyway, your wallpaper is cool!

    Hi Kai, how are ya! ya is me!!

    By the way, The wallpaper is awsome!! Dizzy, i taught quite well...you are an very good student, my little crosshopper...you make me proud

    farewell, boys

    see ya soon


    PD: let me know if anyone needs photoshop couching, the classes are free of charge

  22. Dizzy-4u Jun 13, 2005

    Quote by FacGameDizzy, i taught quite well...you are an very good student, my little crosshopper...you make me proud
    farewell, boyssee ya soonFantom

    Thanks kid. Anyway, I don't use Ms Paint anymore....

  23. wildambition Jun 30, 2005

    just plain perfect!! ;) lets rock!!!!

  24. deadpool22 Aug 10, 2005

    nice wallpaper of dizzy. love the way one arm is bringing out the dark side and the other arm the light side. i also like the background and the rain effect on it.

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