
Black Lagoon Wallpaper: Moonlite serenade (Rain version)

Rei Hiroe, Madhouse, Black Lagoon, Revy Wallpaper
Rei Hiroe Mangaka Madhouse Studio Black Lagoon Series Revy Character

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Hello !
this is my new wallie :"Moonlite serenade" rain version !
why rain version ? because after many hours of work for the city,publicity..the sky,the background,and ALL little details
(look on the right...yep its the "minitokyo picture ^_^)....
the character need to movements or...anything else..after reflexion,i make the rain and add little water on his arms,guns..and buildings....
anyways,I post the two versions :
The normal version (you find it on the left corner...)
and this rain version :)

In widescreen and 4/3.

the original scan here : http://img402.imageshack.us/i/gunrevy.png/
all buildings make with "forms" in CS5 , a photostock,and a little brushe for tree,and stars.

Hope you like it !

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  1. Alenas Retired Moderator Mar 22, 2011

    I don't think you can have a moonlit night with rain since when it rains, it's usually cloudy, lol and some of those ads look a bit too realistic for the vectored surroundings but other than that, this is really nice. I like the whole mood of it! :3

  2. Kenzotsuke Mar 22, 2011

    you're right :) but its a magical wallpaper :p
    thx for your comment :)

  3. Inceferon Mar 22, 2011

    Love this wall! it's really magical:)

  4. lyllevelt Mar 22, 2011

    OMG.... This wally is SUPER amazing. I love how the girl is framed by the moon and the cityscape in the background. A lot of hardwork went into this wallpaper and I think it is very well done.

    The drops for rain falling was well done and I have seen some bad rainscape wallies and I can tell you that YOURS is not one of them.

    Thank you for making this amazing piece of artwork.

  5. Kitaan Retired Moderator Mar 22, 2011

    I agree with Alenas on the rain, just doesn't look right. Even though you say it's suppose
    to be a magical wall. Though I do like how nicely you cleaned up the scan and the concept.
    Also the logos stick out too much, it should be atleast alittle blurred for how far it is from
    the front view. Blurring could also add more depth to the wall :)

  6. monster33 Mar 22, 2011

    Personally I realy like the moon light and the rain . It gives a plus to the mood of the wall ^o^
    And I already seen a clear sky with rain! or maybe the clouds are above her !
    Anyway I like it and I don't care about the logic part T_T ( We need more fantasy lol )


  7. Cpuroast Mar 22, 2011

    like the dark theme and rain

  8. halissin Mar 22, 2011

    this is amazing i like the moon as the background and then the buildings to the side this is just great!nice work

  9. Sherillas Mar 23, 2011

    You've created an atmosphere/surrounding that suits the character superbly so I've got to give you extra credit on that aspect. Vector is flawless and the idea of adding rain makes the overall scenery more dramatic. Lovely conceptual skill!

  10. beto3 Mar 23, 2011

    valla wallpaper que maravilla

  11. tevysol Mar 23, 2011

    I like it, very nice the rain, night she look dangerous...

  12. GrayFox23 Mar 25, 2011

    I like both version off this wallpaper ^_^

    It was a nice job adding in the rain though, I noticed the little rivers of water streaming down Revy that you added in ^_^. It is little details like that which separate good wallpapers from great wallpapers in my opinion!

  13. mireya2 Mar 25, 2011

    Just love it. Your technique and knowledge of the programs is quite, very advanced, and you've got a nice eye for composition. Adding the rain is defininetly a great desition.

    Maybe the only thing it need it to make it to the ellite galery is to make the picture moon look less real, as well with some of the sorroudings, so they'll give the feeling that is part of the drawing. Some mangakas do it.

  14. KaitoCrystal Mar 26, 2011

    the woman under the moon~

    it is feel good

  15. Hitochka Mar 26, 2011

    Cool, I really liked, though still wanted to do certain things like that ^ ^ "

  16. brigandinez Mar 26, 2011

    The situation in the night and fall rain, full moon, it's perfect !
    (for me) ^-^
    thank's !

  17. AyanamiMangetsu Mar 27, 2011

    woaah cool! thanks for sharing ^^

  18. megarock18 Mar 28, 2011

    buena imagen, y buen anime tambien

  19. DarkWolf2011 Mar 31, 2011

    exelent work, good job ^^

  20. bafyte Apr 02, 2011

    great wallie! love the moon :D

  21. springheeljack Apr 05, 2011

    yeah the rain is a little off I just noticed it now
    but still I like the whole backdrop

  22. ray-slifer Apr 08, 2011

    Nice wallpaper. I kinda feel weird about the rain part but it's still good.

  23. Nolikita Jun 22, 2011

    Well , I know that it needs to be cloudy if it's raining , but in this wall moon perfectly fits . I love this wall .

  24. Seele21 Oct 23, 2011

    great poic XD thanx for share it

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