ooo it looks lovely~ :D mukuro ~ :3
Glad to see someone vector this scan!

1920x1200 Wallpaper
Artist Comment
another unfinished project is already finished! as well as my school craps! HURAAAAH!
as a token for all my hardships through out this four years! T___T I can help but to be proud of myself *teary
---anyways, BISHIE! I WALLED A BISHIE! XDD I wanted hayato-sama to be my first walled bishie. But he was added on my
indy art. xD I guess he can forgive for now. XD
---I'm nervous in posting this wall. for many reason there are so many parts that looks unfinished. >w< But
i'm pleased with what i've done with the chains(first time). I made this wall like 2 years ago? O_o -- All i
did was to vector mi bishie, extend the scan by using filters(clouds, lighting, plastic wrap.. etc.) for the BG. I
can't think of any background to i decided to just extend. I made two versions(just the changes in the color) :3
Scan: link
PSD size: 49.1mb
Sizes: 2333x1333(AP) & (1920x1200) more resolution @AP
will post the vector in an hour :3
Comments/Feedbacks/Critiques are very welcome. I like and willing to learn! I'll take it no matter how heavy it is
and favorites are always very much appreciated!
Hope you all like it! =)
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rosu Mar 22, 2011
Kitaan Retired Moderator Mar 22, 2011
The detail on his legs and then the water bubbles is a bit misleading.
I'm not sure where the water surface is or where he is in the water for that matter.
Maybe some ripples (like the ones placed on his pants) you can add to the surface of the
water for a more obvious indication of where it's at.Other than that I like the vector, it's smooth and very clean.
I think you did a very fantastic job vectoring. -
YuuichiYouko Mar 22, 2011
Thank you for putting up a wallpaper of mukuro
chocoripeyes Mar 23, 2011
omgosh i was actually thinking about walling this gorgeous pic too! you did a good job on it! though i wish you shaded his skin & hair more, giving it more depth and emotion but wow awesomesaucy nonetheless!
Sherillas Mar 24, 2011
This is truly astounding! You did an excellent job in optimizing this fabulous picture, and thank you for giving us the privilege to grace our desktops with it. Every aspect of the wallpaper is delicately represented with attention to detail. Admirable work!
evilpandaxx Mar 26, 2011 This is so gorgeous!
nichii Mar 26, 2011
i love the vector of Mukuro-sama <3
(Y) -
KaitoCrystal Mar 26, 2011
i love the color,i love the man
VisualYui Mar 31, 2011
Mukuro! <3
Well done! *0*
(Favorited) -
SweetMitsuki Apr 02, 2011
the vector is very cool well... mukuro sama is the best anyway xD!
but... tnks for your wall ^^ -
kurodayue Apr 14, 2011
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