Nice ... I don't see a lobster though D:
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i'm literally obsessed with the ke$ha version of this song because i can actually understand it. so it's been in my head for like a week so i was like ALRIGHT this would apply so well to link so out popped this baby. i know it's sort of the same style as my other one but i figured they were different enough to submit and i think i like this one better anyway. a lot of stock was used in this, such as my personal graph paper pattern and some stock images of envelopes and paper bags. i'm also unhealthily obsessed (aren't all obsessions unhealthy?) with lobster so i naturally had to throw that in there too. yay!
there is also an alternate version because after uploading the paper looked weirdly small so i made them a little bigger. the quality is a little lower on them in the bigger version but i feel significantly less anxious while looking at them.
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br3nna Mar 06, 2011
AzarDarkstar Mar 06, 2012
Nice and clean. I like that the text is mirrored, too.
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