
Original: Aqua Vitae

Original, Member Art
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Second in a row of my elemental series - this one is Water.

I had more fun painting this one than Terra, mostly because I more or less got the hang of it, lol.

Done in the span of few days. Nanopatterns in the background are (c) Starwalt and I used some pics as reference for the Koi fish. Everything else is (c) me.

I just realized I made this in a wallpaper size, lol so if you wish to use it as one, you're free to do it, but no ripping please! >__< It says 'Aqua Viva' on the pic but I decided to rename it to 'Vitae' because it was more similar to 'Water of Life'.

Hope you like! :3

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  1. Kitaan Retired Moderator Feb 21, 2011

    The hair came out really nice, so did the Koi <3 It's adorable.
    I love the colors and the addition of the bubbles.
    I think you could've done without the seaweed...maybe just added more fading fish in the back instead.
    Other than that I think it's pretty great :3

  2. Nysha Feb 22, 2011

    c/p from AP:

    You have some neat ideas! *___* I totally didn't expect the transition into a real wave from the original sketch. Looking forward to your next pieces in the series! I like how the colors of the sea star and the koi contrast nicely against her blue hair. It may just be me and how I prefer to make eyes, but I feel the irises should be a tad larger to fill in more white space (especially the left one). :3 I'm also getting a similar tilted face/hair vibe like GoldenApe mentioned. It's nice to see fully painted stuff from you. :D

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