awesome and so epic dragon ball rocks! your wallpaper rocks! yeah! thanks and fav+1 :D
Artist Comment
Title: Bloody Wish
Character: Black Star Dragonballs
Series: Dragon Ball GT
Dedicated: Axel (Shadowlynx) for altered, more matching, version idea
(he suggested I change the normal dragonballs to the black star dragonballs to suit the wallpaper better)
Original (but submitted as Alternate)
Title: Power of Dreams
Character: Dragonballs
Series: Dragon Ball/Z/GT
My Comment on "Bloody Wish":
The "Bloody Wish" is a sort of altered version of "Power of Dreams" wallpaper (will submit as
alternate version). They're actually exactly similar except for the
coloring and shading. In all complete honesty, I just couldn't get the first's colors for the second (B.W.)
wallpaper... I don't exactly write down the steps I used to get certain effects/looks >.> I just experiment
and then go "yay! I likie!" xD This one I TRIED to get it as close to the other as possible (was just going to
replace the first wallpaper) but the shadowing/colors/effects proved too much. . . Then after tryin', lookin',
and thinkin' about it, I realized that this wallpaper (B.W.) SHOULD be "darker" than the other in both
feeling and actuality because this version features the Black-Star dragonballs which blow up the planet the wish is made
on... not exactly a happy-go-lucky idea, huh?
With that all said, this is probably the more fitting wallpaper to my vector (which, btw, I had to recolor the stars and then REBLEND the whole damn vector... might not seem like a lot of work, but trust me, I had to move like the stars and bubble highlight layers UP to another vector layer while moving the bottom, base of the dragonball DOWN to another layer... not to mention each dragonball was on a different vector layer to begin with sooo it was NOT fun doin' all that movin'... followed by which ones would be blended or just smoothed or not touched and so on... yes, very annoying).
My Comment on "Power of Dreams"
I made this wallpaper actually back in... *looks* November 2010 xD and to be completely honest, it was a remake of an
even older wallpaper I had made back when my DB vector SUCKED (and I do mean it was BAD; if ya want to see it, go to my
DB vector link at the bottom and in that there will be a link to the original of original DB vectors I did... trust me,
it's not pretty). The very first wallpaper I made with the sucky DB vector was "Dragonballs" and a link
to it has been added to the bottom as well. This first wallpaper was made for my "Shrine" on my website for
DB/Z/GT series. However, when remaking the wallpaper with the new and improved DB vector, I found that I didn't
like the stars I'd thrown on the DBs and that I didn't really like them sitting on a yellow cloud anyone. (The
Dragonballs wallpaper looks really good at like 20% haha).
ANYWAY! I wanted to add some lightening to the background because there is always lightening when the dragon appears, I wanted some clouds on top of the dragonballs in a way that the sky goes dark and clouds appear (which if you think is being reflected on the slick dragonballs' surface). Lastly just threw in some general brushes and mixed and matched layers to see which looked good. Decided, compressed some, highlight changed others, gamma it all at one point, did some clarifying... and tada! Lol. It wasn't till I posted it on facebook that my friend (that Bloody Wish is dedicated to) told me that the black stars would look much better with it and so I went about changing it (jump up to its description for more).
Time Line:
"Scan"/Image Used
First Dragonball Vector
[March-November 2009]
Wallpaper [November 2009]
Redid Dragonballs Vector
Unblended [November 2010]
"Fight for the
Wish" Vector Blended [November 2010] [on MT]
"Power of Dreams"
Wallpaper [November 2010] [Listed Above as Alternate Version]
Redid Vector for Black
Stars Unblended [February 2011]
Blended Black Stars
Vector [February 2011]
"Bloody Wish"
Wallpaper [February 2011] [Above]
Paint Shop Pro 8
Original Scan
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ChaoticMirage Feb 18, 2011
Gutoide12 Feb 18, 2011
awesome and so epic dragon ball rocks!
minchis Feb 18, 2011
la imagen de las esferas del drag
ryomalelouch Feb 20, 2011
Great work! love it! ???
thank you for sharing this to us! :) -
Kenna Feb 20, 2011
It's really great!Like it .
samacdc Feb 23, 2011
thank you for sharing .great work
brigandinez Feb 26, 2011
I've been waiting for so long for such as this wall.
thank's for share ! -
beto3 Mar 01, 2011
mascavalera Mar 02, 2011
hahahahaha,,,, lot of version he,,, makasi ya wes upload,,, i'm really greatfull,, hhhmmmmm
The4thHorseman Mar 03, 2011
What those Dragon Balls really are............
Moonpuzzle Mar 04, 2011
The Dragon still LIVEZ! Great job on bringing the magic to life
evilshopkeeper Mar 06, 2011
aaaaa so coolll i want it ^^
nekyv Mute Member Mar 11, 2011
so great...
good job ! ^__^ -
shigeru5 Mar 11, 2011
out of the pictures you did of the bragon balls this one I like the best.
darkmario888 Mar 25, 2011
wow really nice transitions
lotdn Apr 01, 2011
Whoa looks nice, thanks! Dragonball Z is a childhood faveorite ^^
DragonBlood Sep 27, 2011
Awesome! Very good work! Thanks for sharing!
KichigaiChisana Mar 19, 2013
Nicle looking wallpaper. Thank you for sharing.
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