
Kingdom Hearts: Something Strange

Shiro Amano, Square Enix, Kingdom Hearts, Aqua (Kingdom Hearts), Ventus
Shiro Amano Mangaka Square Enix Studio Kingdom Hearts Game Aqua (Kingdom Hearts) Character Ventus Character


I just received my copy of the novel Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Vol. 1: Something Strange this week! The cover's cute, so I figured I'd share it with everyone. :)


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  1. HirumaYouichi Feb 06, 2011

    Ven looks so cute!
    thank you for sharing!

  2. patriciasy06 Feb 11, 2011

    Agree, it's cute! :)
    Btw, Is the KH2 manga already finished?

  3. KuronekoNoir Mar 12, 2011

    I 'm still waiting for KH 358/2 Days newest manga chapter....

  4. Mazuchan28 Mar 15, 2011

    A Manga?

    (BTW Nice picture. I love Terra stand like that!)

  5. mrorsonbrawl Mar 22, 2011

    aww cute! and cool! thanks for posting!

  6. ToshiroBurrito Oct 22, 2011

    O_O HOW? How did you get a new manga O-o Please tell me where you got it from! >_< Really HUGE kingdom hearts fan! Oh, and thanks for sharing the picture! Really nice :)

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