
Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Wallpaper: Cool and Peaceful

Akira Amano, Artland, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Hibird, Kyoya Hibari Wallpaper
Akira Amano Mangaka Artland Studio Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Series Hibird Character Kyoya Hibari Character

2048x1536 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Finally finished... Here is my new wall: "Cool and Peaceful" It took a lot of time, about 2 weeks. When I saw this scan, wanted make a wallpaper with a snowy theme. It's empty a bit again >.< I'm not good at bg... Anyways, hope you like it ^^,

For Hibari, I used this scan:

Hibari Clearfile

For bg mountain, used this pic:

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  1. Fran Retired Moderator Jan 27, 2011

    This is really adorable, I especially enjoy the background!
    I don't think this looks empty at all, it's very well thought.
    Though I'm kinda bothered by the outlines. Stroke path is faster, yes, but its result is pretty weak. I just wished there was more variety in the outlines width.

  2. janethy Jan 27, 2011

    hibari! i love this guy ang hilbird!

  3. Ryou-Rei-are-Reo Jan 27, 2011

    hibari-san so coool! >///<

  4. ForgottenFilly Jan 27, 2011

    I love thisss. <333 It's so sweet! c:

  5. srsn Jan 28, 2011

    This is a nice wallpaper. I like the cool feel it has. I'm just bothered by the table, I think it's a bit high in angle/perspective. Well That's just me though

  6. ice214 Jan 28, 2011

    wooooooooooow :3
    i'm impressed with from where you based the mountain BG - from a random mountain to mt. everest. :D the magazine must have taken ages, since it looks like you used the perspective tool to do it. :o

    character could use some contrast to look less washed out. :)


  7. pureblood98 Jan 29, 2011

    hibari-san.. i love the wall.. well, i love anything that has hibari in it.. :D

  8. lisz Jan 29, 2011

    Hibird is so cute >3<

  9. Daimacuro Jan 30, 2011

    Hibird is so kakkoi :P. Thanks for the sharing :9

  10. chmsweety Jan 30, 2011

    hibari looks so awesome in this picture! He looks cute as well!

  11. lastwilight Feb 01, 2011

    Hibari :) looks so adorable here. Thanks for sharing!

  12. chubbykitty Feb 01, 2011

    Nice! I love the way you made the character and the environment interact with each other. (that misty cold air on him) I feel like little things like that really connect a whole piece together and creates unity between foreground and background. Great work ^^

  13. gyuto23 Feb 02, 2011

    Hibari even know how to appear in an image.

  14. rookiesora Feb 03, 2011

    This pic looks really peaceful. it matches hibari's sharp eyes with icy back ground.

  15. alvinpatrickxxx Feb 11, 2011

    hibari the guardian of cloud..............

  16. YuuichiYouko Feb 24, 2011

    Awesome Wallpaper of Hibari and Hibird

  17. mascavalera Mar 02, 2011

    makasih lo dah upload... i really really appreciate it...,

  18. Anonymos Mar 05, 2011

    hibird in scarf is so cute! *__*

  19. Sakimi-chan Mar 09, 2011

    Hibaaaaaari~! *-*
    Simples, clean, mas perfeito!

  20. xzxxzb Mar 19, 2011

    Awesome!thanks for sharing

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