
Pandora Hearts Wallpaper: ? OZ ?

Jun Mochizuki, Xebec, Pandora Hearts, Oz Vessalius, Emily (Pandora Hearts) Wallpaper
Jun Mochizuki Mangaka Xebec Studio Pandora Hearts Series Oz Vessalius Character Emily (Pandora Hearts) Character

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

*Character vector by anonymous @ 4Chan*
*Cloud brushes from UltimeciaFFB @ Deviantart*
*Original Window border from Clker.com*

This wall was fairly easy, the layering of the wall and window over the sky and cutting out just right was a bit hard. The window border/frame was originally and reddish orange color so I painted in a wood grain texture and I had to remove a few pieces because it looked like squares were floating in mid air (LOL) I added the script, I added the character and a darkened shadow border and my signature.
Total time about 2 hours program used PSP8

Comments & favs Appreciated (>_<)

chamber-of-kings anime-fans-united japaneselover celestial-luminesse vectory

EDIT: Alt.Version - has a dull blue sky!

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  1. rom231 Jan 22, 2011

    Nice wallpaper^^................................(...)

  2. Kitaan Retired Moderator Jan 22, 2011

    It's awfully dark on the whole border of the wall, it kills the wall for me.
    Also the size of the window makes his head alot bigger than it is, almost like he's
    fitting himself in a small box. The clouds are pretty close together, and they're really white...
    it just looks alot more fantasy than realistic. Not sure if that's what you're going for.

  3. Shiciel Jan 31, 2011

    that's really nice and very well done!
    thx for uploading^^

  4. shootxd Feb 01, 2011


  5. malkien286 Mar 22, 2011

    AWWWW soo cute! love the image thanks fir uploading it :D

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