WOW! It's marvelous!I know you've been working very careful and long on it!
Details, composition, colors -all carefully planned and makes harmonical and charming look! And even it seems that the
fight begins(his eyes, pose - you truly showed them and filled with your special style) - wallie 'alives'.
This wallie is a masterpiece - what else I can say?

2560x1440 Wallpaper
Artist Comment
AnimePaper and DeviantArt
Edit: Whoops I found some minor errors needing fixing asap! The wall should be
better now! Redownload it so you don't keep the messed up first versions. lol
Edit 2: Oh snap! I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw the gold border! Thank
you guys so much! As for that bg photo comment, these are the various refs I used (all my pics):
I mostly used #s 5 and 6.
…Yes, Nysha has walled a bishie!
And for those who already knew I was working on this, it’s finally done! D:
So I had two main goals before this project: I wanted to wall a bishie (way too many girls in my gallery), and I wanted to wall bamboo (because I love bamboo!). And I didn’t want to wall just any bishie – I prefer the more serious and badass ones lol.
And thus Yone Kazuki’s fabulous artwork of Saito was the perfect match for what I wanted to do. Although I don’t really care so much for the anime, I really like her official artwork, and Saito is my fav character design of hers. :D
The basic idea of the wall’s scene is that Saito is getting ready to defend/fight against an antagonist in the middle of a bamboo forest. Expect a super showdown with bamboos hacked over and everything. The extra blood is for those certain fangirls who like that. >D A “clean” version without any blood is also available.
Everything was painted via vector masks like how I usually do. And 100% Photoshop with my Wacom Intuos 3 tablet. The background was made from scratch, while I used some various bamboo reference photos I took during my Japan trip to get the basic perspective. Some details of the original scan were either incorrect (the directions of the string’s braid) or too dark to make out (the sword’s handle), and I had to reference some tsuka-maki images to see how the handle is wrapped.
And also a gif animation showing the steps from each day I worked on this:
Oh, and there is a default burlap texture on the cloth, in case you wondered why it looks fuzzy. :D
And for those who wondered how, here’s his hair tutorial:
The hardest part was actually starting this and deciding on a final crop to use. @.@ I first had a much closer/portrait crop, but I felt more of his body needed to be seen, especially the lower hand, because without it the string he’s pulling looks very awkward. XD
Basic stats:
Time taken: in 16 sittings, about 4-6 hours each time, over the course of about 2 months (I was busy with other RL
stuff), so roughly 80 hours total, more or less.
Layers: about 400
Psd size: 292mb at 2844x1600px
Get the 16:10 and standard resolutions at Brokentone!
Special thanks to Deto, alenas, Kitten, and ashlie for your continual support/suggestions on msn. :3
Enjoy! Just no stealing or removing my sig, or I’ll hunt you down like Saito here. D<
Chosen by Kitaan and Fran
Nysha's amazing use of gradients are the win in her newest piece.
The soft, nature scheme that is so rich in color highlights the delicate work she's placed on her main character.
The painting is firm yet so neat, bringing Saito to life. She even took care of correcting those small details that most
wallers would ignore, such as the sword handle.
The background, which was crafted from a combination of photos looks flawless.
Nysha really shows off her level of care for perfection in this piece, well worth a highlight.
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Nessbad94 Jan 14, 2011
rosu Jan 14, 2011
Amazing. The details, shading and colour..... Just Lovely~! :D
Kurorisa Jan 14, 2011
not much too say except for great job!
both saito and the bg look really epic *~*
your painting is awesome as always and the hair >D
not much to say in here besides +fav! -
Cilou Jan 14, 2011
As I said on AP, this wall is awasome and amazing. That's a piece of art for me, just perfect!
The BG is fantastic and Saitoooo!
I'm really impressed! Thanks for sharing! -
Alenas Retired Moderator Jan 14, 2011
This needs a highlight. NAO. D:
Also, YOU FINISHED! *needs that msn running icon* I was really surprised when I saw it on dA, I thought you wouldn't finish before the end of this week, lol. And you already know I love this (lol @ certain fangirls who love blood...that's me alright >D). My new desktop, here I come! :D
trofikabinet Jan 14, 2011
This is so extremely good and badass, I'm totally speechless O___O
Everything is perfect, I love the colouring it's so vivid and beautiful.
It feels like he's alive and I'm staring right at his eye, kyaaah *faints*
This totally made my day, faving it 100 times and setting as desktop (and never removing) xD -
Horseradish Jan 14, 2011
ZOMGWTFHBBBQROFLMFAO! You did it AGAIN! This is abolutely, fantasmically, fantabulously, pure awesomesauceness! \m/ I'm really mesmerized by your works. <3
Yamibou-Eve Jan 14, 2011
Zomgoodness! I too don't really like the anime but you really done the original art justice! It's amazing! It's just perfect!
And this really is your first bishie! :O Not that it matters, I mean if you were to wall a stone I would worship it, you're just that good and you always give it your best.I give this wall 100 out of 100 zomg kittehs!
*goes to you other accounts to fav it there* -
verbalium Jan 14, 2011
beautiful work!
love it... and already taken ^^ -
snyp Jan 14, 2011
I'm not so fond of into vectors stuffs but I have to admit that this wall is seriously kickass !
The amount and quality of details are really mindblowing ! Truely a fantastic masterpiece !
Bravo \o b:-) -
chanelqueen17 Jan 14, 2011
This result just screams highlight! omg, as always Nysh, you never fail to impress: once more, you've pushed your boundaries as an artist. There is honestly nothing about this scene that doesn't work out, it's perfect in every way, from the impeccable way you paint hair, to the bloody stains and the awesome detailed structure of the bamboo O.O
A true work of art, and it shows you are still the artist I look up to most here at MT:3
Saikusa Retired Moderator Jan 14, 2011
The scale and detail of this work literally takes my breath away! Words can't cover the beauty and levels of work involved here. Simply, this is amazing!
Zettodono Jan 14, 2011
F a n t a s t i c !
A m a z i n g !
Awesome job you done here!
Favorite of course. -
aIshiRoi Jan 14, 2011
*_* oh my this is just amazing.
despite of it being a saito wall. everything is just fantastic.
love the bamboo, the details on the ground and of course the character itself(especially the hair). totally fits my desktop! great job! +full view to see the greatness :3
ice214 Jan 14, 2011
it feels like i'm looking outside my window and OMG THERE'S A FRIGGIN HOT BISHIE OUTSIDE AND HE BROUGHT HIS BAMBOO WORLD BEHIND HIM. hehehe
personally liked the details on the bamboos from the green-covering-with-yellow-highlights to the grass underneath them. pure awesomeness. :)
saito's eyes is his defining factor, then his awesome hair, of course. it's as if he's saying with his eyes "bring it, i'm ready to fight" >:)
+fav :)
belson Jan 14, 2011
FiiFO Jan 14, 2011
Im so happy to finally see it finished. Its just amazing, on the vector the attention to detail on Saito is so eye catching. Not only did you do Yone Kazuki artwork justice but adding your extra touch makes it look even better. I like the extra touch of the blood putting him in fight mode XD On the background its a good structured bamboo forest and use of detail work as well.
This will be permanent on my desktop for a long while :3
Brilliant job on and hope to see more bishie walls from yourself!
NenrikiKaen Jan 14, 2011
Wow.I won.t say more than that.I can see that everyone else said the rest.It.s really beautiful.Soft
akiranyo Jan 14, 2011
Now I know what you did for so long, I already wanted ask "Hey Nysha, where are our regular wallpaper rations from you?" And well, it looks hawt. I always respected your patience for such details and also your skills in both paiting and in vectoring. Definitely the best wall from Hakuoki and also definitely the most amazing piece of work what I have seen in 2011. This deserves highlight on full line. +Fav (what else? :3)
srsn Jan 14, 2011
Kitaan Retired Moderator Jan 14, 2011
Finally XD Poor Saito trapped in your PS for months!
Hope you fed him well :D Wonderful painting, and I like the touches of blood.
Really helps the scene and his expression become more real >3 -
TiffYG2133 Jan 14, 2011
Very Awesome wallpaper! I ? Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan
The gif you made is way cool! Keep up the great work! -
lenaelric Jan 14, 2011
Wow, it's beautiful. *---*
killlashandra Jan 14, 2011
Wow that's awesome. Thanks for the little progress pics it's cool to see the steps you took to make it. Yeah for bishie and for bamboo. :)
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