
Beast Master: Hard To Say Goodbye

Kyousuke Motomi, Beast Master, Leo Aoi, Yuiko Kubozuka, Member Art
Kyousuke Motomi Mangaka Beast Master Series Leo Aoi Character Yuiko Kubozuka Character Member Art Source


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Erm, this is basically a version of this coloring but without the original lineart. All lineart here ish my own. It's a bit sketch-ier, but I think it looks more.. Intense? ^^;

Not totally sure if this is allowed but it looks rather different from the first version to me, so.. give it a chance? ^^;

Check link for more information! ^^ And do comment!

EDIT: Ah, so the other version with the original lineart was deleted ^^; OK, I'll post more info on this coloring here then~

This is a coloring of this P A G E - It's Beast Master, which is a kinda nice but has an oddly disappointing yet happy ending. Urm. I originally colored it with the lineart from the page, but since I liked it without, I posted this version too! The scene is night-time, hence the gold/blue lighting...

Time taken: 5 hours or so (longer than expected)
Program: SAI
Music: Nico Nico Chorus, Nico Nico Pirates (lol)

Tell me if you want to see the version with the original lineart! I'll post it on DevArt if anybody ones. ^^; If not, I'll just not bother. XD

EDIT: Ah, so we can post alternative versions! I didn't know. Well, here's it with the original lineart ^^;

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