
Inuyasha: Inuyasha Movie 2 Settei: Character Headshots

Rumiko Takahashi, Sunrise (Studio), Inuyasha, Kohaku (Inuyasha), Kagome Higurashi
Rumiko Takahashi Mangaka Sunrise (Studio) Studio Inuyasha Series Kohaku (Inuyasha) Character Kagome Higurashi Character


This is a settei [official art that is used by the animators of the movie], of various character headshots from the second movie. Scanned by me in Monochrome JPEG [for better dimensions and smaller filesize]. Enjoy!

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  1. ddblossom Mute Member Jan 09, 2011

    very nice, thanks for sharing

  2. Kagome-nee-chan Jan 19, 2011

    que bonita se ve kagome asi....

  3. shinkai188 Feb 02, 2011

    que bonita se ve kagome asi....

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