
Inuyasha: Inuyasha Anime Settei: Height Reference 1

Rumiko Takahashi, Sunrise (Studio), Inuyasha, Miroku, Kouga
Rumiko Takahashi Mangaka Sunrise (Studio) Studio Inuyasha Series Miroku Character Kouga Character


This is a settei [official art that is used by the animators of the anime] of the heights of some of the Inuyasha characters relative to each other [however, there is no indication of actual measurements]. Scanned by me in Monochrome JPEG [for better dimensions and smaller filesize]. Enjoy!

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  1. Kagome-nee-chan Jan 19, 2011

    estos son los del artbook original de inuyasha
    pareciera que si

  2. shinkai188 Feb 02, 2011

    estos son los del artbook original de inuyasha
    pareciera que si

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