
Final Fantasy VII Wallpaper: On the Night of Christmas

Square Enix, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Final Fantasy VII, Cloud Strife Wallpaper

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

First of all, this is my Secret Santa gift for @gideon!
I really really really hope you'll like it ^^;

My giftee's preferences[Bold ones signify what I think I accomplished]

Likes: **Cloud Strife**, **clouds**, vintage design, **Flat Colouring**

Dislikes: Scenery walls (just not a personal fan XD), Ecchi, **Centered Walls** (I have two screens, so walls that are centered tend to get chopped in two and look terrible)

Themes: Little Red Riding Hood, Children's Books, and, uhhh, **Open Theme (Cheating 8d)**

Resolution: **2560x1024** (Dual Screen)
haha, although I am really sorry if it turned out to be a scenic wall. I spent days thinking for another bg, but I'm not really good at it =[

The scan came from this one: [Cloud Strife](http://www.animepaper.net/art/12885/ffac-cloud)
Then, I made the background like what I always do xDD
There are 2 versions, one w/ no texture and one with texture.
Dual screen ver. especially for Gid,:
[With Texture](http://img560.imageshack.us/img560/4157/widetex.jpg)

Merry Christmas and Advance Happy New Year! =]

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  1. zaira Dec 27, 2010

    Cool wall! Love the darky atmosphere and cool scan of Cloud. Nice buildings + electric poles and the papers flying around is a nice touch! Both of the versions are good but i like best with no textures. Overall cool Cloud wallie! +fav! ^^,

  2. gohan451 Dec 27, 2010

    Thx for the nice wallpaper merry chrismas hohoho!aa

  3. Sakucha Dec 27, 2010

    akjsdsajdlkajsldkjaslkdj. CLOUD-SAMAAA~~
    Not only do I absolutely LOVE this wall because of Cloud, it's also beautifully done! :D

  4. srsn Dec 27, 2010

    It's finally here, I've been waiting for this!

  5. Gutoide12 Feb 26, 2011

    FFVII is gooooooooooooooooooooooooood!
    thanks these wallpaper...

  6. ravishing88 Apr 15, 2011

    wow... thanx for the share... :D

  7. rujainelol Apr 17, 2011

    the pic is beautiful thanx for sharing

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