Lol @ the last sentence. I'm really glad you finished this, everything looks great and you managed to blend those images very well. Nice and original! :D
2560x1600 Wallpaper
Happy Holidays minna-san!
King of the Month December 2010 at ! Thanks Guys!
Ok I've wanted to wall Pandora Hearts ever since I finished watching it last June and started a collab on it with Stormfangs. I wanna make a Pandora Hearts on my own and I stumbled upon THIS SCAN . I planned to vector it sticking on what the original scan was. It wasn't in my top priority to wall but a few months later I saw a collab by Yago and Horseradish and after that I saw a wall made by Anya using Oz which made me drop it and look for another scan.
A few weeks ago, I saw THIS SCAN and I fell in love with Break <3 I decided to wall it. Before walling it I imagined that it was somewhat plain on the right side so I thought 'why not add Oz to it?' and the scan which I mentioned above suits the emotion of the whole wall. Then there goes my work. I blurred Gil and Oz to give focus to Break. Actually Gil's blur is greater than Oz since I imagine he is farther away from Break.
I extended the bars as well as the cage, I don't know what to place at the circle since I had a hard time extending it so I just placed a clock in there. The pattern of the clock came from the seal in Pandora Hearts. The main BG became a problem because I don't know what to place in there. I actually thought of Raven's wings, wherein they're in a dark room but it look plain. Alenas gave me the idea of placing ruins at the back and then I thought of something more and that's what you can already see at the wallpaper. One big problem I have was deciding on the time of the day for it - dawn, night, sunset, dusk which made me kinda gave up on the wallpaper but I'm glad I finally finished it.
Wall reference came from THIS SCAN . Thanks to Trofi-chi for helping me with the scan hunt. The cracks and the 2nd rose at the back came from HERE .
I wanted to say a big thanks to Alenas, Trofi-chi and Kitten for the heaps of tips and support you gave me. without you guys, this wall might not even get to be born xD.
Edit: fixed the lighting and made more contrast than just plain old darkness
comments and fav are very much appreciated
,Trofi said: "In this wallpaper srsn displays how beautiful and complex can vectoring
be. Despite the mood being rather dark and gloomy she still manages to use rich and appealing colours that immediately
attracts attention. The wall is excecuted perfectly with much care and apperciation for lightning, depth and details.
There's just something special about it that draws a person into looking and admiring it. On top of that, this time
we have a pack of 3 bishies instead of only one." --> this really made me happy. Thanks!
Browse Pandora Hearts Gallery: Recent | Popular.
Lol @ the last sentence. I'm really glad you finished this, everything looks great and you managed to blend those images very well. Nice and original! :D
Wow, I should be taking more time to comment this (I hopefully will make it up to you at AP), but less give an overall impression ^^
First off, your shading is impressive, great choice of scan and the ruins in the background really suit it very well...Another amazing thing is that clock O.O I thought it was going to come to life right there and then, beautiful recreation of the metallic reflections :), not to mention the fact that you extended those bars and managed to add so many detail on them!
Very very nice :3, makes me reminisce the times where I still walled PH
All I had to say is, nice choice of scans. I actually didn't realize you actually combine two scans together. And they turn out better too! ^^ Oh, and love the shading too!
lolling cuz this finally got done. hahaha. love the effect of extending the bars, looked more realistic. and finally, night was a good choice, a dark color looks nice on these guys. clock looked cool as well, with that semi-transparent metallic thing going on. lol. a detailed and excellent job as always, papi! :)) ^_~
You already know I love it much, nothing more to be said <333
Splendid awesome job!
I'm really impressed by the beauty and delicated wall!
Thanks for sharing! I just love it!
Nice. My favourite characters! Well, but I actually like almost all of them. :)
Thank you for sharing.
So sweeeeeeet and cuuuuute ! Thx for sharing !
Such beauty!.. Simple elegance of colors and in the same time attention to details. Everyone who love Pandora must say thanks to you for making this, because this is clearly one of the best ever walls I've ever seen! ?
this is nice :D
and I can't believe someone actually used one of my fav pict as a refrence for a wall >D (the one from
it's kinda unique since most people would probably focus on Oz but instead, you're focusing on Break :]
I wish GIl isn't that blur though, but I think it's just me
wonderful job!
AN AWESOME WALL <333 you did a great job~ d ^__^ b
jejeje i love it xD es grandioso, mi anime favorito bien plasmado, it
i just realized i downloaded almost all of yur wallpapers~ nice and clean vectoring, and i love how yu put those 3
characters together
this is another great wall for pandora heart =)
Awesome wallpaper.... Very Good indeed.
Purely soft with rose petals scattered give this wallie melancholic feel. 3 gentlemen in dark suit under the cloudy moonlight along with Cool clock gives a breathtaking view to the wallie. Great work! n thanks 4 d share.
They are sooo pretty! XD
Wait! This Is Sooo Cute! I Wish I Could Be There!
Amazing, totally love this!
Thanks, i like pandora hearts so much
Black! Black looks good! Awesome job combining different scans
and i thought all of them are in one scan. The background is really good
and it totally fits the scans and the blurriness you made is really especially
on the petals. The clock is a nice touch so love it! Overall i like the darky
feeling! +fav! ^^,
I like how you combined the two scans together and how it totally works.
Nice work on the lighting and ambience :]
really like it~~
thank you...
it`s an wonderful picture i love it
You're improving a lot, I really like your shading and rendering techniques and style. The blur and sharpening was used really effectively, keep it up :).
Thanks for sharing a great wall.. the three characters fit together rather perfectly & I really like the moonlit
cloudy sky... the bars are now not part of a cage, but something along the lines of a gate to ruins.. absolutely love
Oh, but you know, compared to the well defined lines & colours of the other two, poor Gil seems on the verge of
melting unceremoniously into the background...
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