
Togainu no Chi Wallpaper: Caught

Nitro+, Shinshi Doumei Cross, Togainu no Chi, Ushio Amamiya, Shiki  Wallpaper
Nitro+ Studio Shinshi Doumei Cross Series Togainu no Chi Series,Visual Novel Ushio Amamiya Character Shiki  Character

2048x1536 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

The ever so classic figure-in-front-of-brick-wall Theme! Spent quite a bit of time on this particular wally.

Scan used for character is Shiki
Scan used for Shadow is Ushio Amamiya

Highlighted the eyes to match the color of the blood, turned out pretty nice :D I used a brick texture as a BG, then added some blood splatters, Shiki, then his shadow and the other shadow... yada yada yada.

~In alternate version there's text, and the text is part of the lyrics from the song "Song About Killing" by Caliban.~


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  1. snyp Dec 19, 2010

    Holyshit this is some wicked stuff here ! It's really demonic and aweeesommme ! +fav !

  2. rujainelol Dec 26, 2010

    cool pic alot of blood but still a relly good pic

  3. nightsblackroses Jan 01, 2011

    oh my gosh! this is just so o great!

  4. nekoland Jan 29, 2011

    oh dios shiki *-* lo adoro gracias por subir

  5. Ritsuka175 Feb 02, 2011

    wow! thats amazing! >___<

  6. dragon123 Mar 17, 2011

    Thak you so much, everyone! *-*

  7. Stigma13 May 31, 2011

    wowwwwwww your work is incredible...................

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