
Romeo x Juliet Wallpaper: Love Eternal

Gonzo, Romeo x Juliet, Juliet Fiamatta Asto Capulet, Romeo Candolebonte Montague Wallpaper

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

I mainly got the cloud/sky stocks from devArt artists that have stocks for everyone to use, and all credit goes to them:

What I did with the stocks was combine and blend them into an array of colors. At first, I really didn't know what I was doing (xD) - the only thing I wanted to do was create a background, because I sometimes have such trouble with them. After I managed to blend the clouds together, I started to look through my pictures to find a perfect render. Something about the colors and flow made me decide upon a RomeoXJuliet render.

After adding the render in, I fiddled with the blending settings - gradients, photofilters, ect. Technically, I was going to stop when everything was blended and have that as the finished product. However, it seemed way too empty, so I added a few effects and lighting. Then, I added the text as the finishing touch, and I set the layer to overlay. It's a pretty simple wall, since I'm trying to get back into the graphics groove after my break from it~ X_x

Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Comments are greatly appreciated! ^^

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  1. Weskalia Dec 17, 2010

    It's been a while since the last Romeo x Juliet wallpaper and this one looks good alright XD. Even if you change their position they still a lovable couple nonetherless.

    The background is a bit off though.

  2. Loreku Dec 20, 2010

    It's really a good work and a romantic atmosphere!

  3. Stigma13 Apr 03, 2011

    It's cool yiur wallpaper nice thanks 4 sharing

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