
Carnival Phantasm (Saber, Arcueid Brunestud, Neko Chaos, Neco-Arc)

Kazuaki Morita, TYPE-MOON, Lerche, Carnival Phantasm, Arcueid Brunestud
Kazuaki Morita Mangaka TYPE-MOON Studio Lerche Studio Carnival Phantasm Series,OVA Arcueid Brunestud Character


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  1. reb-el Dec 14, 2010

    Awesome scan. is this a new anime coming out?

  2. Mikaya Dec 15, 2010

    yes right, the name will be "Take Moon"

  3. cromwell1655 Dec 18, 2010

    A great crossover. Thanks for sharing.

  4. frank97 Dec 31, 2010

    Iwish they would join the two series

  5. Kazuhito Jan 03, 2011

    Cute scans...~

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