This is the first version of Color the Imagination, featuring the dashing Number Cuatro, Ulquiorra Cifer from
The Question asked here is: Who are they to you? Let's take it like an interview. If I were to ask Ulquiorra this
question, he'll probably give answers in a nonchalant way. I featured four other characters with him and asked him
about his thoughts on them. Of course, these answers are something I came up that I think he would say.
For Ishida, I think Rival would get his choice of word. I'm an IshiHime Shipper as well, and I personally think the
Quincy has a thing for Orihime, which is so cute. And since Ulquiorra lusts everything about Orihime, it would make one
heck of a dangerous love triangle.
Here we have Ichigo. When Ulquiorra first saw the orange-haired Shinigami and analyzed his powers, he deemed him as
trash and not worth the kill. Ichigo is also Orihime's hope, so he wishes to destroy that in order to bring her
I initially thought of putting Aizen there, but I like Grimmjow more. Grimmjow, as we all know, is one of the Espada.
Therefore, he and Ulquiorra are technically allies, and at the same time they're sort of rivals. Grimmjow seems to
look at it that way.
Last but not the least, we have Orihime-chan. In his last moments of life, Ulquiorra was entrusted with the heart. He
was fascinated with her strength, her heart, and the emotions she expressed. Everything about her seems to draw him in.
That's why she's the heart for Ulquiorra.
I was supposed to submit this during Ulquiorra's birthday, but work got the best of my time, so yeah...I know
it's late. All right, now about this wallpaper. As you can see it highlights simplicity. I wanted to give meaning
to the neutral colors of black and grey, and still get the essence of being colorful. Play around with the texts and
colors can give you various results. I spent some time trying to fit the texts and colors in the right places, changing
their sizes and all.
Note that all of them are my favorite characters in Bleach.