
Kawaku Wallpaper: Enchanted Waters

Kawaku Wallpaper
Kawaku Mangaka

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

I don't usually wall cute, little girls, but THIS scan really caught my eye for its pretty colors and interesting scene.

I made some minor changes to the scan: my version is a bit more to the cyan/green side (I've always thought green fit more to the terms like 'magic') and I made the girl smile instead of frown to turn the "oh, crap, I'm stuck in the shallow water with a cat" image into the "ooh, this looks like fun and I have a cat on a friggin boat with me" image. XD

Vectored the lines and painted the rest. The water and those fruits were the most challenging things to paint. And the hair...gawd, the hair... x_x I kinda rushed it at the end with fruits because I just couldn't look at them anymore. And I was hungry. And I have too many WIPs anyway so I wanted to get this one over with. It's been sitting in my folder since forever.

Anyway, that's it. Hope you like and as always, feedback is welcome!

Thanks go to: Nysha and trofikabinet for their useful input and GoldenApe for helping me with the title. No, I didn't forget. :D

Also, happy (belated and very belated) b-days to Angel-Zakuro, trofikabinet, Bernouli and all other people whose November b-days I missed. i_i



Changed some colors, and added more contrast. Also, changed the cat's tail so it doesn't look like it was in some horrid accident. XD


vector-wallers my-maiden celestial-luminesse

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  1. mbeckley Dec 01, 2010

    Very enchanting indeed. The colors are so vibrant~
    Thanks for sharing. ^^

  2. zaira Dec 01, 2010

    O_O so beautiful! I really love this whole wall. The scan you used
    is really nice and do agree with you having pretty colors, love the
    combination of purple to a cyan like color of the water. Great job
    painting and vectoring some parts and i really do love what you
    did on the water its looks so real same goes to her hair as well!
    Overall love the magic feeling from this wall! +fav! ^^,

  3. leonardod Banned Member Dec 01, 2010

    wonderfull image!

    Thank you very much

  4. srsn Dec 01, 2010

    LOL You walling freak! talk about your PC slowing because of PS and now you've finished it! you just showed it to me like a few hrs ago! you're fat man! LOL

    I love the waters even before it's not yet done hehe

  5. Chloe Retired Moderator Dec 01, 2010

    Don't ever stop being awesome, k?

    LOVE the water. The vector/painting is really well done and I love the lighting! The fruits are perfect XD

  6. Nysha Dec 01, 2010

    Full comment on ap. I'm still surprised how you can finish 50% of the wall in one night...

  7. Kitaan Retired Moderator Dec 01, 2010

    Lol, I didn't even notice the cat had no tail...yea, it needs to have one!

    Well you know me, I totally fell for it the moment I saw the thumbnail.
    The outfit in combination with her long hair and the very peaceful look of the water, just screams me, hehe.
    I do think the water waves could be brighter perhaps, and some light on her feather hat thing.
    But other than that I really love the painting job and it's great to see a wall from you :3

  8. samuraix0304 Dec 01, 2010

    perfect wall
    thanks for sharing>>>.

  9. NenrikiKaen Dec 01, 2010

    You chose the colours very well.And I love the way you made the water.Incredible effect

  10. aIshiRoi Dec 01, 2010

    *O* what a calm looking wall.
    i love how peaceful the water looks like.
    great vectoring and painting. can't say no more just... +fav :D

  11. A-413 Dec 01, 2010

    wow this is really beautiful <333333333333333
    i loves it! ty for sharing <3

  12. trofikabinet Dec 01, 2010

    You never cease to amaze me with your super wonderful walls *____*
    I'm still shocked how beautiful this is, I absolutely adore every part of it.

  13. snyp Dec 01, 2010

    A tail is missing to the cat ! But i'm only teasing aha
    Great work ! Really amazing :)

  14. mich Dec 01, 2010

    Presioso, me encanta la imagen! dios *O*!

  15. Nysha Dec 02, 2010

    W00t, thanks for making the changes! You did very well on this one! *___* HL@VW!

  16. chanelqueen17 Dec 02, 2010

    Amazing O.O! Another stunning masterpiece, but when I looked at it a bit closer, the amount of detail and the attention paid to the meticulous lighting just rendered me speechless. Not to mention the beautiful colours XD A real show stopper and it's my desktop from now on

  17. juaninisterra Dec 02, 2010

    this wallpapers y great!

  18. naquarianna Dec 03, 2010

    Very beautiful! I love the cat and the fruit and the tone of the wall. Great job ^^

  19. Rider Dec 03, 2010

    simply beautiful
    nice work ^_^

  20. pureblood98 Dec 03, 2010

    amazing.. and sooo many pretty colors.. i can't find anything wrong with it..

  21. Kishintora Dec 03, 2010

    It's just awesome, congrats and keep it up =)

  22. HoshinoSora12 Dec 04, 2010

    Awesome! in all sense great colouring, great vectoring, great work keep it up!

  23. trunksgirl77 Dec 04, 2010

    its so cute aww

    wonderful work

  24. yafurixd Dec 04, 2010

    so awesome! i didn't know cyan and green can comeout like this

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