
Gantz Wallpaper: GANTZ

Hiroya Oku, Gonzo, Gantz, Vector Art Wallpaper
Hiroya Oku Mangaka Gonzo Studio Gantz Series Vector Art Source

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

The vector of the silhouettes was something I just came back to after losing my previous laptop to motherboard troubles. I didn't know what to do with it, then this idea came to mind.
I've done the reflective work in one of my older Kon wallpapers, and wanted to give it another go. I think it tends to look clean and brighter. At first this was going to be a monochromatic gray wallpaper, but with the light background I thought it could use some color, and so the rainbow gradient was selected.
That being said, I hope people like it, and feedback is much appreciated~

One with the light gray bg, and one with black.
Thanks to StormFangs@animepaper for the suggestion~

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  1. experience93 Nov 22, 2010

    nice wallpaper, thxx for sharing ^^

  2. antonella Dec 03, 2010

    ____________ thanks nice wall _____________

  3. Daimacuro Dec 04, 2010

    Fuck Yeah! ^^ Nice Wallpaper :)

  4. parlantexyz Mute Member Dec 27, 2010

    Gracias.....Exelente Scan =DDDD

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