
Karneval: Yay for Karneval!

Touya Mikanagi, Karneval, Yogi, Nai, Gareki
Touya Mikanagi Mangaka Karneval Series Yogi Character Nai Character Gareki Character


Artist Comment

I had enough, it has so complicated lineart, glad its finally done...
I have put together two black&white manga scans with intention to colour it my way (with having in mind colorful Karneval manga covers). There is coloured version of the scan with Nai and Gareki but I didn't like it at all... well, the lineart was like hell when I was making it for the first time (yes, I made this artwork twice...) and after I coloured it with watercolor pencils of mine... well, I didn't expect the black ink not to be waterproof... Anyway, after colouring the background and accually finished this... It looked kinda awful and I couldn't stand that all of my hard work went in vain T_T... So I rised my warrior spirit and start the whole thing one more time... at least I like the colours this time^_^ I left the BG white because I guess its fine that way and I didn't want to make twice the same mistake (looks more like a cover now I think)^_^
The problem of ink I solved in kinda revolutionary way. I coloured with watercolor first (pencil lineart only), then made the lineart with ink.

Pheew, to be honest I have view new projects in mind: some of Tegami Bachi, one of Kuroshitsuji(finally!) and thinking of making something for Sengoku Basara again (on the occasion of a new game, just as I promised long time ago, btw Sengoku Basara 3 rocks!^_^) , but I'm so tired after making this one that I guess I'll make myself a little break...
Greetings to all manga readers and Karneval fans, see ya and enjoy. Mata ne!

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  1. TRBadman Nov 12, 2010

    warrior spirit.... hahahahaha, wida? ju? nasi?kosz tom Basar?

  2. fireflywishes Retired Moderator Nov 13, 2010

    I started reading this manga, but it just never caught on for me. However, I love your artwork... It's so colorful without feeling like BAM! in your face. ^_^

  3. Dollydi Nov 14, 2010

    I really like this draw !

  4. ForgottenFilly May 02, 2011

    Aw snap, don't know how I haven't seen this. Love love love! :D

  5. angel26278 Jun 14, 2013

    wow your drawings are amazing! I like them a lot

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