So nice picture:33
English isn't my mother language, so i can't express my feelings well.. but i think, all, you wanted to put
into this wallpaper - you did this successfully:) it's really full of warm and love.. so wonderfull atmosphere..
and so desired winter:333

1920x1200 Wallpaper
Artist Comment
Thanks to hyde333 for this beautiful scan (found on AP)!
I vectored the couple (in paying my attention to alll little details especially hair)
I wanted keep the original disposition, so I drew snowy branches, and added (vectored) a bird (blue tit) to increase the
feeling of happiness, love and freedom.
I worked on light and contrast to create a winter atmosphere, but not really cold. I wanted to make something harmonious
and really sweet.
I know winter is not here yet, but soon!
I hope you'll like it!
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Nurmy Nov 09, 2010
Kitaan Retired Moderator Nov 09, 2010
The vector is alot smoother, though the clothes still look very boxy due
to the shading shapes. Also, this BG needs alot more work and attention to detail.
You can't really tell the ground from the tree branches, everything is too white.
Snow is white, yes but it does have shape and curves in it...whereas yours just looks
too solid. Try adding more brown to the branches, and actually giving them shape rather
than using a simple drop shadow effect. It looks way too fake for the wall. -
simply-5th-heirloom Nov 09, 2010
my fave love team in the anime!
wow! tnx a lot 4 the share cilou...
:DDD it fits the seasons too...
Kurorisa Nov 09, 2010
I actually agree with kitten
you make those trees with only shadow effects, which makes your work actually looked effortless
I think you should make the tree itself
and don't need to add all snows, but just some parts
so the trees is still seen but it's covered with snow
your vector actually improves a lot though
so overall, nice job -
Zarykezo Nov 09, 2010
I love your wallpaper! Thank u for sharing! Is reallly nice, is according with the month :D
snyp Nov 09, 2010
Again a beautiful work from you Cilou !
According to me, the tree branchs are not necessary here. Without it would look way better !
But again this is a great work ! Keep it up :) -
AirJack Nov 09, 2010
Lovely wallpaper, Great job!
MissDaphne Nov 09, 2010
You know I always love your work. This one is no different. I always wished someone would make a wallpaper of this scan and I'm so glad it was you! :D
The tag is wrong though, this is Saito Hajime not Hijikata.
Either way, I love the clarity. Their faces and hair are perfection. Instant fave <3 -
srsn Nov 10, 2010
Well I've got nothing to say aside from what Kitten and Rissa-chi said
nekodemonessa Mute Member Nov 10, 2010
??? ?????? ?????, ? ?? ?????????-???...
bochan91 Nov 10, 2010
i like this picture
thanx -
ChaoticMirage Nov 10, 2010
pretty lovely couple scene :O <3 :O winter scene ;D very nice yeah! thx for share :)
loshi Nov 10, 2010
really pretty....simple and nice.....I like this couple a lot :)
blueblood Nov 11, 2010
ooooooo.........its really sweet^_^
HoshinoSora12 Nov 12, 2010
so so beautiful, I really love your vector and style
crimson-blue Nov 13, 2010
owwww yeahhhhh
it's so damn beauty...
like it so much!
thx for sharing it
Negai1996 Nov 13, 2010
SO DAMN PRETTY! one of prettiest forever. And I think... I like it! :D
maiatong Nov 14, 2010
I love this couple! Hajime is so cool!
merged: 11-14-2010 ~ 09:37am
How do you edit your pictures? I'm just curious...I think I want to make some cool me please -
OVJVH Nov 15, 2010
it's beautilful, thanks.....,.....
YoruichiS Nov 16, 2010
i believe that's Saitou, not Hijikata >_>
LadyZ Nov 20, 2010
Really beautiful! Thanks for your work!
But the man isn't Hijikata, he's Saitou! -
trunksgirl77 Nov 20, 2010
so sweet and simple, love it
HaroHaro Dec 04, 2010
Thanks for sharing, very nice wallpaper
haruka2007 Mute Member Dec 11, 2010
thanks for the sharing..
it's really good =)
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