hahaha this one is a funny one -^^- The thumbnail doesn't do it justice. I love the expression of all characters in this piece, they are priceless, even those in the small photograph. Again, there is soooo much detail in your drawings! I love it! The sheets in the bed, the curtains, the clothes of all characters, the flying rocks... everything is done to the last line hehe. I love her feet, the way they capture movement. Oh! and the chips on the bed... oh my! they are stripped! love them. I like how the photograph really looks like a photograph behind a glass screen. Again, and I know I'm repeating myself but I have to say this again, this is an awesome piece of art and you are very talented. Great work shinshinovi!

Artist Comment
[NOTICE][This artwork has been stolen on 10/31/2010. God really hates me.]
One of the 3 artworks that I managed to save on my GMail account out of 6 artworks stolen today, 10/31/2010.
I am not supposed to post this yet until it's finished (Colors). A friend of mine requested this artwork 6~9months
ago, and I only managed to finish the line-art.
Really sorry Micel. I can no longer call myself a good friend due to my incompetency.
Nevermind the brands.
Supposed fanfiction story:
The Abysmal Priest, legend only in his dreams, enters his student's room, Micel, only to find her reading a Yaoi
Furious since she 'promised' that she won't read 'bad things' anymore, his anger forced him to
transform into a Super Saiyan 10... which got himself banned due to 3rd party program. (The GMs thought it's some
sort of a program lol)
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pegassuss Mar 02, 2011
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