
Fairy Tail Wallpaper: Celestial Magician Lucy-chan

Hiro Mashima, Satelight, Fairy Tail, Lucy Heartfilia Wallpaper
Hiro Mashima Mangaka Satelight Studio Fairy Tail Series Lucy Heartfilia Character

1280x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

(sorry for the crappy title.XD)

This wallpaper is inspired by the 12 signs of zodiac (even though there are only 7 of them here LOL - Aquarius, Leo, Cancer, Sagittarius, Taurus, Aries and Virgo). :) Sorry for being Loki bias. :P

I vectorized/colored the chibi Lucys from a screencap of the anime's 1st ending song.


I googled images of the celestial spirits and worked on each of them in illustrator. (it was a pain to do it. ack. x_x)

then I got the base of the starry background here:
Put the image into hard light mode and cloned some parts of the bg to get rid of some of the big stars coz it felt redundant. Then I added another layer of pixel patterns in dissolve blending mode and lowered the opacity for the stardust. (the bg may seem blurry to you but really, it's not. it's bcoz of the stardust. :X)

the magic circles are from here:

I didn't use any blurring methods to lower the chance of this wallpaper being deleted. rofl. :))

comments/criticisms would be nice. :D

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  1. Senseless101 Nov 04, 2010

    Kawaiii! its too cute!

  2. gohan451 Nov 05, 2010

    Lovely picture thank you for the poser cheer up!

  3. GeriKun Mute Member Nov 10, 2010

    Thank You for Sharing! This is Beautiful!

  4. terencio Nov 14, 2010


    merged: 11-14-2010 ~ 06:26pm
    xdxdxdxd lucyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ^^

  5. Krloselric Nov 28, 2010

    Thanks for sharing this great pic!

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