
Kunie Kanbara: ECHO: freedom 2

Kunie Kanbara, ECHO (Artbook)
Kunie Kanbara Mangaka ECHO (Artbook) Artbook


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Yay I have Kunie's ECHO!

I love this book, the art in the book is just amazing. The book is 128 pages in full colour. I love the use of bright and rainbow colours in it. From what I saw from RESET, Kunie-san's style has grown bolder and more colourful.

Most, if not all, of the figures in this book are female. A lot of art features dynamic movement. I love how there's such joy in her art; the characters all look like they're having a blast with life.

However, it's a bit of a pain to scan, because a lot of the art is across the binding X.x I may just vector some instead of scanning them XD


full page spreads are a pain to scan and put together >_< But I love this one's sense of freedom

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  1. Koa-chan Dec 19, 2010

    thanks for sharing such awesome scans. i love this artist

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