Bleach 423
"Even though I will not able to see you, you can see me...Rukia"
and Tite Kubo's gonna have a couple week resting, I think it may start the new arc with " 5,6 years
dont be so sad, they will meet each others again
the old man still alive, our captains are funniest as ever, I'm surprised when my Byakuya tell about his haori is
cheap ( priceless! hoho)
Gin's not dead, and again, he's gone
hitsuyaga, renji,hisagi,kira and other shinigamis are out for trainning
ichigo lost his power and can not see souls anymore
aizen's still a pain in ass while he's immortal (man, he looks so fetish in this recent chapter)
and the most important is Ichigo wont able to see Rukia, without them, Bleach has no Sun and Moon
dont you think this is really intersting?
it likes Tite Kubo wants to say "this is just the begining of the end", and he decides to have Bleach rest in
2 weeks is very reasonable(though it's fucked up for 2 weeks no Bleach), it looks like, the new arc gonna starts
with" 10 years later,,," or at least "5,6 years laters....", and make sure you remember, Tite Kubo
still planing for 'Turn back the Pendulum II", we will meet many cool characters there (Byakuya's father,
Hanataru's brother...")
when the new arc really start in "5,6 years later...." Im really excited about it, wanna see how people
change..., remember its been 10 years for Bleach, its time for Ichigo to grow up, not a teen boy anymore., (he has deep
thought now, 15 is too "xa x?")
just be patient :)