realy nice work...very good .Thanks for sharing
2560x1600 Wallpaper
Artist Comment
I just started reading the manga of xxxHolic and I TOTALLY FELL in LOVE with it! <3333 I finished reading it in just 2 days. LOL. Now I'm so excited for the next chapter to be released!
Well, it's not like I didn't know about xxxHolic----I just didn't have
the time to read/watch it. I knew that it was also connected to Tsubasa (maybe that's also a factor why I loved
it). After reading the first chapter, I was totally hooked to it. XD
When the part came where Yuuko disappeared for a long time, that chapter really made me sad and cry. I was really
touched by the bond between Yuuko and Watanuki. (TT^TT) I can somewhat relate to how Watanuki's feeling at that
time (particularly when someone left us).
The scan/image in which I used for this wallpaper is from the manga itself. It was on 2 separate pages. Since their
angle and perspective are the same, I decided to merge them both. It was amazing 'cause if you look at it,
it's as if they were on the same page. LOL.
I decided to go for the monochrome look for this one to keep the boldness and wholeness of the anime itself.
There's a splash of red also for contrast purposes. I also added some color to Watanuki's mouth and eyes only
(the same with Yuuko's too).
The text in the BG's from the quotes that are frequently said in the manga. The red text is the dialogue of
Watanuki and Yuuko when Yuuko is about to disappear from the world. (X__X)
These are the images that I used:
Well then, I hope you like this as much as I do. XDDDD
A comment, +FAVE, DL, comment+FAVE, comment+DL, or a comment+FAVE+DL would be most appreciated!
You know you want to fave it! LOL. >:3
Enjoy. (^3^)
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igecoev90 Oct 05, 2010
chanelqueen17 Oct 06, 2010
Not a bad concept at all, I remember this particular scene and figured it would make a nice wall if given the proper attention. The only thing is that the characters lack depth imo, I don't know if that makes any sense? they just seem to disappear in the bg (maybe that was intentionally) but I just wish for this wall that you would've maybe added more shading to them. The typography is very appealing btw :)
pureblood98 Oct 08, 2010
nice idea. but the texts really pulls the viewer aways from the emotion you portray in the wall.
Gorzius Nov 04, 2010
Very nice work, congrats. I really like it! ^^
Eternalshara Feb 04, 2011
T.T i ove the ending it made me cry
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