Aww! It's so sad, but i like this felling. Good job.
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After few months being on progress, finally I can bring this: my new wallpaper to you! ^___^ Hehehe....
This wallpaper is a special birthday present for my best friends in real world and in DA. Well, as usual this is my late birthday present.... But, well, ah, I don't care :P This laziness become my trademarks, and of course she knows it very well.
Well, I don't really like this wallpaper, maybe because it's too gloomy and dark (and I give it to my best friends as birthday presents? Hahahaha.... I don't have anything to say about that :P) and I totally failed to make this wallpaper....
And it's the non-wall version:
I begin with making the lineart, except for the hair part cause I made it as real as I could. Then, I painted the girl
that really took all my patience and time (as information, I really painted it with that gloomy color, I didn't
think at that time that I can color it with my usual skin tone and after that replace it with that dark color.... Stupid
me.) after that I moved on to the background....
Painted the girl is a pain, but painted the background gave me strong headache.... It's too complicated! But I love
when I painted the flower part and I really hate when I added the rain to this wall.... That really didn't turn out
to the way I want.
Sigh. Sigh.
Sigh. Sigh. Sigh.
Yeah, but I'm too lazy to ask for the people's comment before I upload it, so I'll leave it like
that..... I guess.
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hotan Oct 01, 2010
adith04 Oct 06, 2010
Suram banget suasananya, yah..hehehe. Di belakangnya itu jendela yah? mungkin bakal nambah bagus kalo diberi efek mengkilap sedikit gitu, trus kalo lagi hujan, bisa nambahin tetesan-tetesan air di kacanya.. :)
tekstur kayunya mantap! ^__^ -
HoshinoSora12 Oct 06, 2010
hey the feeling on this wall is sad but at the same time beautiful, thanks for share
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