
Cardcaptor Sakura: Sakura & Syaoran

CLAMP, Cardcaptor Sakura, Sakura Kinomoto, Syaoran Li
CLAMP Mangaka Cardcaptor Sakura Series Sakura Kinomoto Character Syaoran Li Character


Scanned by me


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  1. Celiona May 18, 2005

    What a lovely picture. Clam never seems to disappoint with his drawings. Thanks for sharing.

  2. azmeir May 19, 2005

    erm... really nice scan of sakura and syaoran... thank for sharing it...

  3. volleybum May 22, 2005

    It is a thumbnail and when I try to view it, it says I am not able to download it. T_T Oh well. I love ccs so I will add it to my favorites until I am level 10!

    edit:Nevermind. Lovely scan! Thank you for sharing.

  4. atzur May 23, 2005

    I am tryin' to arrive to level 10 too hehehe but is very difficult! I haven't too much time...

  5. melymay May 23, 2005

    beautiful scan! they looks so cute. +Fave

  6. wildvanilla May 23, 2005

    awww.... sweet....! i'll ganbatte to reach level 10!!! arg....! syaoran looks so... tender... and gentle!!! ahh!!! kya!! XD

  7. suisei- May 23, 2005

    Wow. I dunno they have a full picture of this! They just looks so cute ^^ Thanks for sharing it ^^ +fav~!

  8. kyto May 23, 2005

    Ive seen SO many Sakura Syaoran >_< it not even Funny YET THe All have there oWn SPice LOok SExchy ness if u will those japs no how to make sum youngin look like shes like 25 with a unbelievably good looking laddy O__O frankly i think there weird but w/e XD the pic is awesome actually one of my favs ^__^ it reminds me of me g/f =D

  9. Xhiang May 24, 2005

    very pretty, beautiful flowers ^_^ great picture, thanks for sharing!

  10. Emina May 24, 2005

    So this is the whole picture. I better go here more often! -_-'

  11. Ikorus May 24, 2005

    Ooh, it's the first time I've seen the whole pic. Thanks a lot for posting! :D

  12. okaasan May 24, 2005

    That is a super sweet scan. <3 Thank you for sharing this. XD

  13. paladin3056 Banned Member May 25, 2005

    Nice whole already add it to favorites!!!!!! Thank you for sharing!!!!!It's very sweet and cute!!!

  14. Innocent May 28, 2005

    Sakurachan Kawaii
    This pic from ccs
    i sure I can't see this pic from tsubasa

  15. Winky May 29, 2005

    They're soooo kawaiiiiiiiiiii!!!
    I love this couple so much! Thank you!

  16. flyindreams Jun 09, 2005

    Thanks for this great scan... I used the flowers in the background in my latest wall ^.^


  17. Habibah Jul 01, 2005

    So nice..!!!
    I love this one..!!!
    Thanks for sharing anyway..

  18. Stitchy Jul 11, 2005

    My favorite scan of CCS, evor. xD It's too bad that clamp didn't do more lovely Syao x Saku illustrations like this one... Thanks for sharing! <3

  19. unbreath Jul 17, 2005

    What a sweet scene... Aw~!

  20. saori-san Jul 21, 2005

    aahhh i loved this scan *__* they are so kind ^^
    add to favorites /o/


  21. reboo Jul 25, 2005

    so cute xD

  22. Angel92 Jul 27, 2005

    Nice picture of Sakura and Syaoran. The background is also cool, it is full of flowers. Like I 'm in heaven. It's fragrance refresh my mind. Thanks for sharing it. ;) ;) ;)

  23. Daneil123 Jul 29, 2005

    everything is sooooooooooo beautiful *________________* i love this wallpaper
    love sakura and shaoran :)

  24. blazinstreaks Jul 30, 2005

    What a sweet couple XD Thx for sharing the scan

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