
fortissimo (Sayuki Kurobane)

Kagerou Ooba, La'cryma, fortissimo, Sayuki Kurobane
Kagerou Ooba Mangaka La'cryma Studio fortissimo Visual Novel Sayuki Kurobane Character


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  1. Minamo Sep 24, 2010

    I really like the characters of this game, I hope to make the anime ^^. anyway thanks for sharing it.

  2. drknessangel Sep 25, 2010

    Like Minamo said ;D love to see this animated, the sensual feeling is enough to get me wondering about this =3

  3. siflow Sep 25, 2010

    nice scan, thanx for sharing

  4. oelil Oct 05, 2010

    teh six of the thirteen mage lol

  5. Harute Dec 13, 2010

    Thank you for sharing ! ^__^

  6. Zwai Dec 14, 2010

    Thank you for scans! Cool

  7. Chiaki Mar 23, 2011

    Lovely! thank you for sharing

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