Love Chesha in the background, lol.

2560x1600 Wallpaper
Artist Comment
I finished ANOTHER collab of a LIFETIME! LOL.
This is a collaboration between: Me and my friend yago-san
We dedicate this wall TO ALL THE "Alice in Wonderland"||Pandora Hearts LOVERS out there.
AT LAST! After so many months of procrastinating, I finally get to finish this wallpaper! (>__<) TAKE NOTE: THIS
IS MY FIRST TIME doing a FULL-PAINTED wall. The only thing that's vectored here is the line-arts. Everything else
was painted. I gotta say that this is one of my personal favorites so far. Again, I'm so HAPPY that we got to
finish it on time. Doing this collab with yago-san was real fun. Well, to tell ya the truth, this collab wasn't
meant to be for yago-san and me. Actually, before yago-san, I already have a partner----but due to some cirumstances, he
backed out of it. So I was flabbergasted because I didn't know where I would run off to. So after some pondering, I
thought, why don't I make a collab with yago-san? I asked him if it was OK and if he's not
busy----surprisingly, he agreed to have the collab with me. YAYZ. 8d His skills in vectoring and coloring are fantastic.
I did the characters and yago-san made the BG. I really didn't expect it to be like this at all. It was far more
AMAZING than I have imagined. I'm really grateful to do this collab with him. Without him, this collab----WIP in my
case----would just be another "oh-i-have-a-WIP-that-i-need-to-finish-hmmm-maybe-later-or-sometime" WIP. LOL. I hope to do some more
collabs with him in the future! (^3^)
Well, the only thing I got to say is that this collab was FREAKING AWESOME! (@_@) The idea that Horseradish
conceptualized----to mix Pandora hearts with Alice in Wonderland was brilliant because both have a lot of things in
common----and the scan is perfect for what we're thinking. It took me about 8 hours I think to do the BG, and
I've enjoyed doing the ripped floor and the tiles the most. And there's SO MANY FOLDERS! OMG, I almost got mad
myself. XD So that's it, I loved doing this collab and I hope you guys like it!
Well, this wall started as one of those walls that were inspired from a movie. Just like my AVATAR [Shunya Yamashita]
wallpaper. This one was inspired from "Alice in Wonderland". After watching the movie in 3D, I was TOTALLY
blown away by the graphics, storyline, the twists to the plot, and the characters themselves! I then decided to create a
wall inspired by it. While this was in the making, someone commented on my AVATAR wall that I should do an Alice in
Wonderland wall too. LOL. Coincidence much? ^^v
BTW, I'm the kind of guy who wants to wall a wall that hasn't been walled yet. LOL. Did I confuse you? >:3
When I first saw the scan, I was like, (O__o) IT'S GORGEOUS! Though it's gonna be a tough one because it has a LOT of details in it. But that did stop me from completing this one. If you look closely on the original scan, their coats are black. Basically, the wall is B&W. The reason why made the coat of Oz white/cream (because he's the MAIN protagonist) and the others red was to show the movements of the shadows and such. Because if I colored it black, it would be just, well, BLACK. LOL. Other than that, I wanted it to associate the colors to the Red Queen.
The reason why I named this wall "Almost Alice" is because, the story of Pandora Hearts is somewhat associated with Alice in Wonderland. And the characters are named after the characters from the story too. To top it off, I added a little "twist" to my wall. I added a black abyss in the BG, and from the abyss, you would see the ever-famous Cheshire Cat------I just LOVE CATS. I used Nysha's eye tutorial on the Cheshire Cat to give it that extra creepy and realistic look. LOL. XDDDD
TIME: I lost count...
TEXTURE-less versions:
Well, I guess that's about it. (^3^) If I ever forget to mention something, I'll just update it as soon as I can. LOL.
A comment. +FAVE, DL, comment+FAVE, comment+DL, FAVE+DL, and a comment+FAVE+DL would be most appreciated!
C'mon, you know you want to FAVE it. LOL.
Hope you guys will enjoy our collaboration!
Enjoy. (>^__^)>~<3
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Bernouli Retired Moderator Sep 18, 2010
Rakuenless Sep 18, 2010
This is awesome *0*
I've noticed, a lot of anime have Chess references of late. o_o -
Nubes Sep 18, 2010
beautiful colors! So bright! great Vector!
chanelqueen17 Sep 18, 2010
NIce work you two :) Collabs are always a challenge but I like what you've done with this. The painting looks very nice, it reminds me almost of real oil on canvas painting. Not too sure about the peach color you used on the jacket Oz is wearing, but hey that's just me. Nice idea with the Cheshire Cat lurking in the back * thumbs up*And kudos to yago for filling in of course!
SnickerdoodleNinja Retired Moderator Sep 18, 2010
Awesome! I love the colors and teh chessboard theme!
Rachel999 Sep 18, 2010
So beautiful ^___^
Love your wall! :) -
HoshinoSora12 Sep 18, 2010
AMAZING wall! XD is so beautiful
gaveta10 Mute Member Sep 22, 2010
very good this picture of Almost Alice. thank you
saalvasam Sep 25, 2010
WOW, Amazing work! o_O I really liked! Don't have so much to say. It's really nice and well made! +fav
BezariouSayuri Sep 26, 2010
interesting...i like, thanks ^^
TiffYG2133 Oct 08, 2010
I love the marbled floor and the Cheshire Cat! =^_^= Keep up the great work you two & Thanks for sharing!
XxShinigamixX Oct 08, 2010
thanks for the wallpaper!
shelke-chan Oct 15, 2010
I don't like the color but the scene is very pretty
JadeFire Nov 10, 2010
Like this, pretty art, pretty wall... all so pretty. lol Didn't get too far into this series, but with wallpapers like this to it, I always want to give it another shot.
haiezel14 Dec 20, 2010
wooooooow. the color's breath-taking! thanks! <3333
zetashinigami Mar 25, 2011
it's cool!
i wanna a red suit like this!
^^ -
shootxd Jul 30, 2011
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