
Original: Peaceful Morning

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Actually, this is doujinshi/non wallpaper version for my wallpaper that I'll upload later. And honestly, this is so different from that wallpaper, hahaha. The color changed drastically, cause in the wallpaper version I used dark color, because the background itself is cloudy and dark.

Well, at first I just want to try changed the color because I'm so boring about finishing the wallpaper version (Well, I reached the background part, and as usual, I don't really like the background part), so here it is....

I don't use PS again for lineart, instead I used SAI for the lineart.... SAI's lineart more convenient than PS and I really like that.

I used painting style for this work too, and I painted everything in SAI, cause it's more easier to blend the color. I changed my style in painted the hair though, and I just like this style. I think I'll use this style for my next work too. I darken some part with the levels function in PS, and changed the whole color too with PS (from dark color to light clor just like this version). It's not difficult to do cause I paint different color in different layers, including the shading for every parts too.

::Background and finishing::
Well.... I had no idea about the background, cause I always like the scenic background than simple background like this (well, but I hate scenic background too because it's so full of detail) but I tried so hard to think about it and I think I made it, hehe....
The title is Peaceful Morning cause I had no idea about the title and I always stupid about the title part. Hahaha....

colorfull-wallies indonesia-doujin-support indonesianese doujinshi-support-club oringinal free--wallers

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  1. shirayu Sep 17, 2010

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