Mmmmmmmmmmm.... Bingung mo mulai dari mana. Karena aku mau njelasin, jadi rasanya lebih baek pake bahasa Indo aja, ya?
Bahasa Inggrisku ancur hehehe....
Yaaaap.... So, overall-nya sih bagus, warnanya soft and smooth, dan aku suka :) Cuma yang menggelitikku itu rasanya
proporsinya deh... Umm, gimana, ya? Rasanya rada aneh.... Proporsinya rasanya masih terlalu kaku >___<
Yang rada perlu dibenahi mungkin matanya, ya? Secara dia duduknya agak miring, rasanya aneh kalo mata yang sebelah kanan
itu lebih besar dari mata yang sebelah kiri. Teruuus, mulutnya rasanya rada miring sedikit.... Mungkin lebih bagus kalo
rada dibikin ke kiri. Dan tangannya.... Heem, rasanya gesturenya dia kaku banget. Mungkin lebih baik kalo tangannya itu
dibikin rada mendekat ke mulut? Biar kesannya dia rada mikir ato gimana. Soalnya, kalo tangannya rada jauhan gitu, yang
ngeliat bakalan bingung, adith, si cewek itu lagi ngapain dengan tangannya :) Dan menurutku, sih, tangannya itu rada
nekuk ke posisi yang aneh. Harusnya kalo mau posisinya agak natural, tangannya dibikin rada miringan dikit, jadi
harusnya ibu jarinya rada ketutupan sama tangan+jari yang lain...
Oya, satu lagi.... Lekukan di bajunya jangan terlalu kaku :) Rada berani dikit aja, bikin lekukan2 yang aneh karena
namanya kain itu kan emang bisa melekuk kemana aja :)
Artist Comment
Dedicated to Sherillas. Thank you very much for your support! ^__^
Hello! I'm back with another original wallpaper. I created this one out from scratch, and it's a lot of fun to do. Because of the holidays, I've got plenty of time to work on this. :) The wallpaper doesn't have a heavy theme; I just want to make it let's go straight to the drawing process! :D
From Scratch
First, I draw it with pencil on a piece of paper (see link below). Made the outline thicker so it's easier to
vector. Then I scanned it, and started vectoring with CorelDRAW. I vectored the character's outline first, with
simple linearts. Then thicker linearts are added to where I feel needed. The next part is coloring. Starting from the
hair, I decided to use warm but softer colors; so light yellow / blond would be nice. For the eyes, I wanted to make it
looked deep, so I chose the combination of dark and light blue, because those colors can represent the depth of the
ocean and the vastness of the sky, respectively. :)
And then we move on to the clothes. Well I decided to use pink and purple to show her feminine side, that's all. :) Next is the background. I did the lines first, then do the coloring. The colors for the sofa are yellow, cream and brown; for these colors can match the characters color theme. For the rest of the background, something natural would be great, so I used green for the wall's color. After that, I used Corel PHOTOPAINT to smudge and blend some of the shadows. And next, I added the textures on the sofa and the wall with Photoshop, using pattern fills. Then I added the texture and the text on the clothes, with brushes.. And that is all!
The idea for the title comes from the book I'm reading. It's about romantic relationships, and from that I learned that men and women have different need in their relationship. While most men needed to be trusted and appreciated, women needed to feel loved and cherished. So it is said that the simplest of things like saying you love them every day and giving them flowers means a lot to them.
It's been so long since I last did a hand-drawing for a character, so this can be sort of an exercise for me. If you have the time, please don't hesitate to give me any suggestion on this one. Any constructive comments and critiques (and +favs) are always welcomed. I hope that you like it, guys! ^__^
Drawing process: Process
Scan Used : Original Sketch
Working time : The sketching took 2 days, and the vectoring and finishing touches took 2 weeks.
Programs used : CorelDRAW X3, Corel PHOTO-PAINT, Photoshop CS3.
Brushes & Patterns : Coy-dreamer patterns, SS-micro patterns, Fabric Textures by fudgegraphics.
Special thanks to Rissa-chi, for sharing the patterns.
Thank you very much! :)
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MizuuHime Sep 10, 2010
HoshinoSora12 Sep 12, 2010
beautiful wallpaper! I love this
Sherillas Sep 15, 2010
Oh my gosh I'm so honored for the dedication. What's most striking about this wallpaper is the warmth, soothing, fun, and inviting colors, I can definitely feel the relaxed atmosphere and it's quite thrilling. I must say that I'm in awe of your drawing skill (thanks for providing a link to the original sketch by the way) you can clearly feel the character's temperament and distinct features, such as the softness of her skin and the texture of her hair (you did a great job emphasizing those aspects). The wallpaper simply adds another layer of life and it does so in a wonderfully vivid, colorful way. I like the textures (especially the background) and the characters enchanting eyes. Thanks for sharing!
P.S. Your descriptions are always so detailed and I really enjoy reading them.
kawaiieyes Sep 18, 2010
Nice job! Thanks for the upload :)
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