WOW great work ^-^ i wish i could draw like you
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OMG. This project is pending about 2 months after I have my mood again to finished it.... But I'm really happy because I finally finished it *big smile* Again, it because my laziness and my mood.... :) I'm not so in the mood to continued my walling project or indy art project these days....
Okay, so about this fanart. One day, I really wants to make a fanart. I want to make a combination about poster color/water color with color pencil too. So, I thought about some series, and finally I found Sakura from TRC :)
I tried to draw Sakura with different mood. In the scan, Sakura looks like sad or something like that, but in the indy art, I tried to make her like sleeping peacefully ^__^ yeah, I drew her in a paper with 15x21 cm. Quite small, isn't it? Draw her is very easy, but I think I'm little over-do it in her arm. It's too long even for the Clamp style, but, well, I can't undo what I draw in real world >___<
As I said, I tried a different way to coloring it. First, I color her with poster color/water color depends on the color in my pallet, I tried to make it transparent cause it's just some basic colors. After that, I color it with color pencil. For the background, I just go crazy with pink water color and my brush, after that I color it with the pencil color and darken some parts so Sakura looks like sleep above so many sakura petals.
Then, I scanned it and editing a little before it's ready for uploading.... Like darken some parts with burn tool, change the color of Sakura's outfit, add an filter to make it soft and fuwa-fuwa.... That's all. Oyeah, maybe I'll walling it too, but it really, really depends on my mood. OMG, at least I have 3 pending projects! How lazy I am!
Well, I hope you liked this fanart, and as usual, don't forget to leave a comment or fav if you really liked this fanart!
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evelluchia Sep 01, 2010
shirayu Sep 01, 2010
i like the colors so coooool!
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